Tion Mil/Sci Industries

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 9 Day 296
Leader: Andree Cyberdree
Second In Command: Havan Nublar
Recruitment Liaisons: Andree Cyberdree, Havan Nublar
Chat: #cmg-tmsi

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Although being a shipyard without any unique data cards except for the generic data card, Tion Mil/Sci Industries strives to set itself apart from the other shipyard factions prevalent in the galaxy. Founded on the principle of consumer sovereignty, Tion Mil/Sci Industries places the wishes of the customer forefront above all other considerations. This is best exemplified by the formal motto of Tion Mil/Sci Industries: “Noblesse Oblige” – to serve – or better yet by our informal motto of “to freeze all concerns”.

Tion Mil/Sci Industries carries out its mission by keeping detailed records that the customer can access which will outline the status of their order – whether it is awaiting materials, in delivery, in production, or so on. Boasting an experienced management team and uncountable enthusiastic members, Tion Mil/Sci Industries is best characterized by the following phrases: superbly organized, unbelievably efficient, and unquestionably active. With us, customers can truly relax as we “freeze any worries” they may have.

This faction was founded in the very beginning by Gadon Trammer as Frost Shipyards. Starting out as an independent faction, Frost would build ties to many other neutrals and independents across the galaxy; it was some time into its existence before Frost Shipyards would join the TIon Hegemony, and years after that before it was renamed Tion Mil/Sci Industries and sold to Tion. Today, TMSI is a nationalized faction of the Tion Hegemony, handling Tion's shipyard and production needs.

Chairman: Gadon Trammer

President/CEO: Andree Cyberdree



Faction Manufacturing Planetary Control Datacards Diplomacy

Datacards Owned:
Ships Droids Items Weapons Facilities Stations
Escape Pod
Brayl-class Bulk Freighter
N-1 Starfighter
Raider-class Missile Corvette
R2 Series Astromech
Vacuum Survival Suit
Amban Sniper Rifle
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV