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Player Administration

It's the scythe, isn't it? People always notice the scythe.
(Posted by Kodkod on Year 26 Day 91)
Asset laundering is still asset laundering even if your friend your last character sent all it's possesions to stops playing the g...

PG 13 is PG 13
(Posted by Arjuna on Year 26 Day 90)
Year 26 Day 90, 9:50 Arjuna banned player Lyric Tickstar providing the following reason: PG-13 Please keep all in-game interaction...

If per capita was a problem, decapita could be arranged
(Posted by Kodkod on Year 26 Day 77)
Y26D77 17:53 Kodkod banned player Sean Pax providing the following reason: Multi Ban, avoiding 21 day respawn timer

Community News

I'm back from getting milk
(Posted by Chupacabra on Year 26 Day 101)
And it's fresh! Just like this tournament! To start with the mandatory pre-tournament orientation, please click here. With that o...

Want to spend some Dooka? You're in L'uk!
(Posted by Eli Descartes on Year 26 Day 91)
Ayeta! A highly legitimate businessjawa of the clan L'uk has appeared on board Recycling I, Recycling II, Recycling III, and Recycl...

Thanks, and here's a quick update from our sponsor
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 89)
Hello everyone! I’ve got some exciting updates to share with you all about some changes on the team! First off, Thank you to Erek...

Technical News

Ship/Station Component Change in Progress
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 103)
[EDIT 1] The following work has been done: Station Rules pages have been updated with new stats/RM Requirements Space Stations ...

Turns out, the world isn’t terrible all the time
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 100)
Good news everyone! I'll cut right to the chase: We have found a way to keep your Zero-G armour in the game without removing it! In...

Hourly/Daily jobs not working as intended
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 97)
We have identified an issue with the hourly/daily jobs not running as intended and are investigating the issue. This will likely ta...

Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 103 2:28

[EDIT 1] The following work has been done:

  • Station Rules pages have been updated with new stats/RM Requirements
  • Space Stations have received components(back end change)
  • Space Station Types have had RM/Stat changes applied
  • All currently-in-game Stations have had their stats applied
  • Ship rules pages have been updated with new stats/weapons/RM Requirements
  • Ships have received components(back end change)
  • Ship Types have had RM/Stat/Weapon changes applied
    • These are not your individual ships. These are the ship types as a whole. (If you have any confusion about the stats your ship will be at, refer to the rules page. it is correct.)
  • Currently-in-game ships have been marked for stat changes (back end change // currently in progress as of this edit)
    • NOTE: Your ships will likely show that they are modded even if they previously were not. This is a part of the marking process and is what allows us to bring all currently-in-game ships up to date with their respective rules pages.
  • Some Ships/Stations have had room type modifications(see below for changes)

Ships have not had all of their stats updated, because I've run out of time to work on this tonight. Kodkod will be taking over some of the back end changes for me while I sleep, and I will work on finishing these changes tomorrow. Some ships are now overencumbered and have surpassed their w/v caps. You will need to unload them to/below their w/v cap in order to move/load them further. 

I've posted in the former Ship Stat feedback thread, but it has been renamed to add stations to the feedback mix. Please post in that thread with feedback you have(no matter how small/silly you may think it is). (QUICK LINK HERE)

Finally, below are the room modifications:

• Golan II: 
  • -2 Medical Rooms (0 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed 

• Executor-class Star Destroyer:
  • -8 Medical Rooms (1 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed 

• Victory-class Star Destroyer:
  • -2 Medical Rooms (0 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed 

• MC-80 Home One-class Star Cruiser:
  • -1 Medical Room (1 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• Nova-class Battlecruiser:
  • -1 Medical Room (0 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• Ithorian Herdship:
  • -5 Medical Rooms (1 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser:
  • -2 Medical Rooms (0 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• Battle Dragon:
  • -2 Medical Rooms (1 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• Acclamator-class Assault Ship:
  • -2 Medical Rooms (0 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• CR-92 Battle Corvette:
  • -1 Medical Room (0 remaining)

• Imperial I-class Star Destroyer:
  • -3 Medical Rooms (1 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• Prometheus-class Star Craft:
  • -1 Medical Room (1 remaining)

• Kandosii-type Dreadnaught:
  • -1 Medical Room (0 remaining)
  • Hangar Bay removed

• Zero-G Spacetrooper Armor Mark I:
  • All rooms deleted


Good evening folks,

As promised, the Ship/Station component changes are going live today, and I will be starting them now. Over the next while, you will slowly see many of the ship/station stats and weapons change on the rules pages. Following that, you will then see your own ships/station stats/weapons updated to match the rules pages. Once all these changes are complete, I will edit this Sim News with an announcement that it is complete.


Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. Thank you!

(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 103)
Posted by Chupacabra on Year 26 Day 101 0:08

And it's fresh! Just like this tournament!

To start with the mandatory pre-tournament orientation, please click here.

With that out of the way, let me tell you things.

First, it starts on 4/11 or Y26 D137(ish). Sign ups close 4/4 or Y26 D130(ish). Yes, I could have made a 4/20 joke but I didn't. We'll have time for that later, trust me.

Secondly, here are the prizes since I know you all like free things. If you make it to a prize tier, remember that you can also choose to get a prize from any lower tier. (1st place can pick anything on the list, 2nd place can pick anything except 1st and so on).

1 x Ardent DC
1 x CR-92 DC
1 x Acclamator DC

1 x Kom'rk Class Transport
1 x Xanadu-class Superyacht
1 x Spirit-Class MSA1
50m Credits

1 x Tri-Mark
1 x Nu-Class Attack Shuttle
1 x ETA-class Shuttle
25m Credits

1 x YT-1210
1 x Dynamic Class Freighter
1 x JX40 Jailspeeder
10m Credits

Knockout Participants:
1 x ETA-5
1 x BARC Speeder
1 x BTL-A4 Y-wing Longprobe
5m Credits

1 x CK-6 Swoop Bike DC
1 x HWK-290 Light Freighter DC
1 x R0-L0

Is the prize tier list balanced? IDK man. I'm a goat pretending to be a man who is really three jawas in a trenchcoat behind a keyboard. I'm in it for lulz, not sanity.

Some other neat links

The rule updates

Definitely not this discord

This sign up sheet

The bracket

Remember to thank Noctis. If you don't, I will know and I will find you. D:<

The schedule (will add later, this is placeholder. Deal with it.)

Also, keep a lookout for the blue flashing icon as I modify this post with more information.

Edit 1 - Chupa can't combine time and failed hard. Be sure to ping him relentlessly on discord and laugh at him for his mistake.

Edit 2 - Rules have been updated. Big changes. Be sure to read carefully. You will notice increased madness and a changed prize due to popular request. Enjoy!

(Edited by Chupacabra on Year 26 Day 102)
Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 100 16:06

Good news everyone! I'll cut right to the chase: We have found a way to keep your Zero-G armour in the game without removing it! Instead of the armour being removed this weekend, we have partnered up with Raid: Shadow Legends The Galactic Empire to ensure all suits in privately stolen owned hands will remain there. The Galactic Empire will be pushing out an update this weekend with the upcoming changes that will remotely disable all Zero-G armour suits and weld them shut, meaning there will be no way to go inside them. For those of us who like lists, here's what that looks like(if you hate lists, avert your eyes):

  • Zero-G armour suits will have their only room removed to prevent anyone from accessing it
  • Zero-G will not get any current or future stat updates (the RM change might still go through but it obviously won't directly affect anyone)
  • Come R&D Modification, the Zero-G suit will not be researchable or modifiable
  • All suits will get a one time free move to their final resting location (click me)

The Galactic Empire has assured me that anyone who returned their Zero-G Armour for the offered reward would be eligible to have the transaction reversed, however, the forges of Fondor light once more, which leads us unto my next point: Super Capitals have once again been enabled for construction.


Finally, I leave you all with one final bit of good news. We have decided to remove the Escape Pod RM requirements from all ships, since escape pods do not provide RMs when recycled. We're still aiming for this weekend to push out the following changes:

  • Some Ships/Stations will receive new weapons (I apologize, I do not have a nicely formatted version of this list, so you'll have to find out this weekend. Generally speaking, this is going to be consolidating heavy lasers into quads)
  • Ship/Station Stat changes
  • Ship/Station RM changes
  • Ships/Stations gaining components (back end change that drives the aforementioned 3 changes


Thank you to the Galactic Empire personnel who helped to provide an IC solution to an OOC problem, even if we didn't end up using it. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. Thanks!

P.S. Just thought about this before I submitted this post, but we have done some back end work to try and pinpoint what is causing the issues with shield regen failing repeatedly. At the very least, we will be notified much quicker when it happens and can take action to fix it faster. One change we made on the back end is that asteroid damage happens at :10 past the hour and shield regen happens at :40 past the hour, so they are offset by 30 minutes. We suspect there may have been an issue caused by them running at the same time, but we will keep you all updated.



<@Falcon> oh yeah the RM thing I posted the other day is wrong now, but just take `RM requirement x # Epods` away from the proposed RM requirement and you'll have the actual value

(Edited by Erek on Year 26 Day 100)
Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 97 7:06

We have identified an issue with the hourly/daily jobs not running as intended and are investigating the issue. This will likely take some time, but we will update you when the issue is fixed. This should not affect timers or most actions you take within the game itself. Thanks for your patience.


EDIT: Thanks for your patience during the unexpected game downtime. We identified an issue with our ships table corrupting, which required us to restore a backup of the table. The issue should be fixed temporarily, however this is the second occurrence, so there may be scheduled maintenance in the future to fully fix the issue. Please let us know if the shield regen stops working again, and thanks again for your understanding.


EDIT Y26 D98: We are aware the issue has returned and are investigating. That may result in more unplanned maintenance, so consider this your advance notice that the game may go down for a short period of time soon.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 98)
Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 96 17:47

- Fix bulk item movement crash when moving more than 64 items.
- Fix combat event page crash when printing event with invalid location.
- Fixes for orphaned bounty squads fleeing.
- Minor improvements for the custom room decal page.

Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 90 6:07

Last Edit, I promise, but in order to encourage participation in showdowns, I will be enabling XP in showdown arenas at 10% the normal rate. If you'd like to have your own arena, please ensure you read the rules concerning showdown use and then post in this thread to request your own arena. You can also check out the FAQs for Space/Ground Showdowns(though space is the current focus) The XP will be on for roughly 48 hours. Enjoy!

[EDIT: XP has been turned off for showdown arenas (congrats on the 2 free days extra!)]


The below changes are done (please pay attention to the 3 notes at the bottom). With these new weapon changes, we highly encourage all of you to participate in showdowns with ships that received some of these changes, and post any feedback you have in this thread here, so we can adjust stats as needed. Thanks!

EDIT: Added clarification on slot sizes below, sorry for the previous quick blurb.


Good morning USA, and happy Sunday!


As promised in my last Sim News, I'm going to be starting the update of the following items:


  • Mounted Weapon Changes
  • Minor Ship Changes
    • The following Ships will be changing classes from Light Freighter to Gunboat:
      • Atlas-class Troop Transport Shuttle
      • ATR-6 Assault Transport
      • Crescent X-9
      • Delta-class V-7 Escort Shuttle
      • DX-9 Dropship
      • Gamma Assault Shuttle
      • Kom'rk-class Transport
      • Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
      • Muurian Transport
      • Nu-class Attack Shuttle
      • RZ-68 Troop Transport
      • Sentinel-class Landing Craft
      • Zeta-class Long Range Shuttle
    • The following Ships will see a change in Maneuvrability:
      • Arquitens-class Light Cruiser: 2→3
      • EF65 Meridian-Class Frigate: 2→3
      • EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate: 2→3
      • Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser: 2→3
      • Nova-class Battlecruiser: 2→3
      • Adz-class Patrol Destroyer: 2→3
      • CR-90 Corvette: 2→3
      • Crusader-class Corvette: 3→4
      • DP-20a Gunship: 1→4
      • DP-20b Gunship: 2→4
      • DP-20c Gunship: 2→3
      • I-BEAM Starfighter: 6→7
      • Miy'Til-class Starfighter: 6→7
      • N-1 Starfighter: 5→6
      • Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter MkI: 6→7
      • Viper-class Starfighter: 6→7
      • Z-95 Headhunter: 5→6
      • JumpMaster 5000: 4→5
      • Pelagia Duplex Command Assault Gunship: 5→4
      • Tri-Mark VII Interceptor: 6→5
      • UT-60D U-Wing Support Craft: 5→4


    • The following Ships had Party Slot Size changes:
      • Consular-class Cruiser: 8→6 slots (-2)
      • Discril-class Attack Cruiser: 8→6 slots (-2)
      • DP-20c Gunship: 10→9 slots (-1)
      • Foray-class Blockade Runner: 8→6 slots (-2)
      • IPV-1 System Patrol Craft: 8→6 slots (-2)
      • Tie/In Starfighter: 1→0.75 slots (-0.25)
      • ATR-6 Assault Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • D5-Mantis Patrol Craft: 3→2 slots (-1)
      • Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • DX-9 Dropship: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • Firespray-class Interceptor: 3→2 slots (-1)
      • Gamma Assault Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • JumpMaster 5000: 3→2 slots (-1)
      • Kom'rk-class Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • Muurian Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • Nu-class Attack Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship: 3→2 slots (-1)
      • RZ-68 Troop Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
      • S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace: 3→2 slots (-1)
      • Sentinel-class Landing Craft: 4→3 slots (-1)
    • Ship Weapons will be changing on some ships(with the overall ship stat change coming in 2 weeks that affect RM stuff)
    • Space Trooper Armour will be removed with the Ship stat Changes coming in 2 weeks.


I will NOT be updating Ship or Station components today, since that will change RM/RMP costs. That change is still coming in 2 weeks. For the above changes, this should happen relatively quickly, but I'll update this post when the changes are complete.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 95)
Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 94 12:57

Good afternoon SWC!

I'll start with the small announcement, since the rest of this is about the upcoming stats, and takes up a lot of space. Mador Anami will be stepping down as Quest Director, and will be replaced by Eli Descartes until either Mador returns or Eli chooses to step down. A HUGE thank you to Mador for everything he's done for the team. Mador was instrumental in helping coordinate Herdfest, as well as overseeing many large projects, some of which are still in production. We're gonna miss you buddy. 


Now with regards to the upcoming stat changes, I don't remember if I promised it or not, but many people have asked for it, so below is a list of the expected upcoming RM changes for all ships as well as all constructable stations. As a reminder this next weekend (appromixately 8-10 days from now) we will be adding components to Ships and Stations. This will be in addition to the weapon changes started last week[EDIT: The weapon change will be finalized in the sync 8-10 days from now. Expect the weapons to change]. For the most part, don't expect Party Slots or Maneuvrability to change, however all other stats are fair game. We're going to try to keep most stats as close as we can to their current value, but some may change for balance reasons. The biggest difference you will see is Weight/Volume changes, due to components. Ships and Stations already built will have their stats updated, and any ship/station already under construction will not be affected by the RM changes. however, any Ship in the production queue and any Ship/Station built after the stat change will be affected.
(*The below images are subject to change and while we expect them to be the final numbers, they may be slightly different than the value below)
[EDIT: With the addition of components, entities now take the number of escape pods available into account for RM requirements. This is largely what you're seeing with the Meleenium increase, since each escape pod requires 30 Meleenium.]


A simple breakdown of what's going on behind the scenes are that each entity (Ships/Stations this next sync) will be comprised of Components. Components directly correlate to entity stats, and those stats directly correlate to RM requirements. When we eventually introduce entity modification, this means that when you modify a ship, you are also modifying the RM requirements for that ship(this is important for datacards with the modifications being used). We'll talk more about those changes when they become more relevant, but when we get there, expect the rules pages for entities to be "base versions" of those entities without any modifications.


In addition to the images below, you can also follow THIS LINK TO THE GOOGLE SPREADSHEET that has all of the below data in it. If you have any questions about the upcoming changes, please feel free to reach out to me either on Discord or via DM. 

STATION CHANGE PICTURES (click them to open in new tab):

Station Raw Material Requirement Changes for Asteroid Hideout through Medical Factory Station
Station Raw Material Requirement Changes for Merchant Space Dock through Shipyard 1
Station Raw Material Requirement Changes for Shipyard 2 through Zoo Station
Average Station Raw Material Net Changes (not factoring for 0s)


SHIP CHANGE PICTURES (click them to open in new tab):

Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for 578-R Space Transport through ATR-6 Assault Transport
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Aurek-class Tactical Strikefighter through C-3 Passenger Liner
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for C-9979 Landing Craft through Cloakshape Fighter
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Cloakshape\H Fighter through Decadence-class Pleasure Yacht
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Defender-class Light Corvette through EF76 Nebulon-B medical Frigate
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Einstar APOSTRO-9 through Gamma Assault Shuttle
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat through HH-87 Starhopper
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Horizon-class Star Yacht through Kom'rk-class Transport
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for KR-4B Luxury Star Cruiser through MC-80 Home One-class Star Cruiser
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for MC-80a Star Cruiser through Nu-class Attack Shuttle
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for PB-950 Patrol Boat through Rho-class Shuttle
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor through Spacecrawler
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Spacelane Diner through T-6 Shuttle
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for T-65 X-wing Starfighter through V-19 Torrent Starfighter

Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Valor-class Cruiser through XS-800 Light Freighter
Ship Raw Material Requirement Changes for Y-8 Mining Vessel through Zeta-class Long-Range Shuttle
Average Ship Raw Material Net Changes (not factoring for 0s)

(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 94)
Posted by Eli Descartes on Year 26 Day 91 0:42

Ayeta! A highly legitimate businessjawa of the clan L'uk has appeared on board Recycling I, Recycling II, Recycling III, and Recycling IV type space stations. L'uk sells a variety of rare and not-so-rare products which can only be purchased with the elusive Dooka.

  • The shop will rotate every seven days.
  • Each player will be given a list of between one and three potential purchase options.
  • The exact number of options presented may change between shop rotations. 
  • Each player can purchase any, all, or none of these options.
  • Each player may only purchase each option once.

Happy shopping!


(Edited by Eli Descartes on Year 26 Day 91)

- Another Jawa has appeared aboard Recycling Stations. They are multiplying? Utinni!


Hello everyone!

I’ve got some exciting updates to share with you all about some changes on the team!

First off, Thank you to Erek for announcing that I’ve been promoted to Game Admin! Over the past several months (...perhaps longer), I’ve been working closely with the Dev and Quest Teams while balancing the support side of my Asim duties. Now, I’ll be joining Kyle (RIP), Arjuna, and Erek (Supes/Superman) on the Admin team! Arjuna will continue handling Galaxy Direction, Erek will focus on Game Design, Kyle will continue to be MIA, and I’ll be taking on the role of Implementation Director. I’ll still be closely involved with the Dev and Quest Teams, just as I have been, and I’m always here to help with support issues if needed, but otherwise the Asims are in excellent hands with Noctis, Chupa, Kodkod, and Koi at the helm, so feel free to reach out to them as well! You can find the full list of team members on the Team Members Page.

Along with this new role, I’ll be helping to develop and refine a Dev Roadmap for public release. This roadmap will outline our long-term goals and the steps we’re taking to get there, as well as answer any questions the dev team has about the way forward. Once it’s finalized, we’ll share it via Sim News so you’ll know exactly what to expect in the future.

Lastly, a quick heads-up about some upcoming changes to Ships and Stations. We’re almost ready to finalize these updates, but since they’ll impact RM costs(including the long awaited introduction of Nova to stations with concussions or porton-torpedoes), we want to make sure you have enough time to prepare. Consider this your (no less than)2-week notice that RM costs for Ships and Stations will change for any constructions after the stats update. Weapons and Damage Modifiers will likely be changing this weekend. The finalized list isn’t ready yet, but once it is, I’ll share it with you in a detailed Sim News post. Some RM costs will increase, some will decrease, and the same goes for RMP. If you’re concerned about the changes, I recommend boosting your stockpiles by about 25% for stations and 10% for ships.

[Edit to add that we will be removing some med rooms from the CR-92 Battle Corvette, Nova-class Battlecruiser, Kandosii, ISD, Battle Dragon, Acclamator, Home One, and SSD to bring us in line with the R&D Master Plan.]

That’s all for now! A huge thanks to everyone in the SWC Administration, past and present, for their support in getting me to this point. It’s a pleasure to serve this amazing community, and I’m always open to your feedback on how we can keep improving.

As always, if you have any questions or need support, don’t hesitate to reach out on our Discord Server or by Submitting a Support Ticket.


Posted by Erek on Year 26 Day 88 20:47

Happy Friday, Combine:


I'm proud to announce that Falcon has been promoted to Game Admin for Implementation


He will continue to work closely with the Dev and Asim teams on the advancement of the Star Wars Combine, hatching it into the stuff of our childhood daydreams.


With the flurry of feature changes, development progress, rules updates, and community engagement, it's hard to miss Falcon's level of involvement since joining the team. His teamwork, judgement, and work ethic have been a reliable and positive influence for the flock.


I look forward to seeing Falcon's many fine feather additions to the game.

Please congratulate him if you see him around.


Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 82 20:19

Counterfeit Medical Item Crates Rework

Counterfeit medical items have been changed so that they no longer contaminate an entire crate when merged into a crate of "normal" items. Instead crates will track how many fake items they contain, and you may randomly pull out a fake item.
Existing crates that are already contaminated have had the number of fakes they contain set to a random number between 1 and the number of uses in the crate. New rules are here.

Messages Archive

You can now view older DMs by clicking the show more button on the messages screen.

Timers Improvement

We have changed how we process timers, and now we have a fleet of 10 jawas working hard finishing your timers. Previously the single jawa was overworked. You can see them working hard on the Timer Status page which shows you up to date information on why your 15 second fire delay hasn't finished yet. (Blame Toe, it's always Toe).

Other changes
Add locations to sentry droid events.
- Fix unpositioned bug when wrecking party leaders.
- Fixed an exploit with faction permissions and web services. Thanks to Thav Nago & Lucifer for reporting.
- Shield and ionic regen, and asteroid damage jobs have been changed to improve server performance.


Falcon Edit: We mentioned recently that the next major sync(this sync) would likely include some station/weapon stat changes. We did fully expect to sync that this time around, but we've hit a small snag and will wait just a bit longer to release that. Station stat changes are ready to go, but we're finalizing some things with weapons, and want to release the weapon and station changes together. Stay tuned for that, but in case you were confused why station stats look the same, that's why.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 82)