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Gree Press Release: Rise of the Enclave
Hacked by: Tomas O`Cuinn, Gree Enclave
Date: Year 18 Day 75 Onboard the Imperial Star Destroyer I GSS Secutor in system Gree (-20, 439).

CONTACT: Tomas o`Cuinn, First Grandmaster; Cait Catra, Second Grandmaster
The Gree Enclave


Gree Press Release: Rise of the Enclave

18.75, Gree, Gree IV
The Gree Trade Authority and the Gree Enclave today announced that the organizations have entered into an agreement by which the Authority will combine with the Enclave in a merger designed to bolster the struggling government. The Gree Trade Authority, a multi-billion credit trade corporation based in Gree, has agreed to fold its leadership and operations under the Gree Enclave banner. The Enclave was created when control of the system was removed from a notorious criminal syndicate and returned to the hands of its citizens, forming a new government for the long-oppressed star system. Since the date of its founding, however, the Gree Enclave has experienced a severe lack of funding and experienced leaders - analysts suggest that this is what prompted the merger between the Authority and Enclave.

"Effective immediately, the Gree Trade Authority and Gree Enclave have merged under the Enclave's banner," stated the Authority's Chief Executor Tomas o`Cuinn in an early news conference. "This is a huge step forward for the citizens of the Gree system, with us bringing our [the Authority's] success and expertise to the government we have had a long and beneficial relationship with. They have struggled for years in their efforts to govern Gree, but I'm confident that this merger between my company and the government will see Gree into new heights of success and independence."


"The Gree Enclave has struggled on its own for too long," added Sidon Ithano, First Grandmaster of the Gree Enclave, who also spoke at the brief news conference. "We fully believe that this combining of efforts between Authority and Enclave will greatly benefit the citizens of Gree. We expect the Authority's leadership and membership to integrate seamlessly into our government and efficiently streamline our operations and organization as well as they did with their company's. As part of the agreement, I will be stepping down as First Grandmaster of the Enclave and Mr. o`Cuinn will step into the position."

Analysts have pointed out that this merger comes just a few days after the Gree system's population, recorded during a routine galactic census, achieved a higher count than the other five systems in the sector combined. On top of this, representatives of the various galactic regulatory bodies have confirmed that legal governorship of the Gree sector was transferred into the jurisdiction of the Gree Enclave, a stark departure from the long-term control of the Black Sun syndicate. Some legal experts have suggested that Black Sun's almost exclusive focus on other sectors, combined with the reported lawlessness of territories under their influence and stagnating presence in the Gree sector, likely played a major role in the decision to transfer legal jurisdiction to the Gree Enclave. Despite these widely-accepted changes, many experts agree that the Galactic Empire and Imperial Union are unlikely to recognize the Gree Enclave's expanding role in the middle of Black Sun's influence, and that it is only a matter of time before the criminal syndicate employs its infamous underhanded strategies to muscle and bribe their way back into influence, regardless of relevant legalities.


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