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Garrisons: Infantry Garrisons

Specific garrison capabilities are detailed on each respective entity's rule page.

Specific garrison capabilities are detailed on each respective entity's rule page.

  • Garrison Slot Size: The total amount of ships that can be kept in the garrison reserve, alert squad and active squads, counted in slots.
  • Active Squads: The amount of squads that can be fielded at any one time from the garrison.
  • Loiter Time: The amount of time in hours that a squad can remain active once launched.
  • Restock Time: The amount of time in hours once a squad returns before its Infantry can be launched again.

Infantry aboard the garrison entity are required to be stationed within the infantry bay. Once stationed in the bay, units can be assigned to the garrison reserve by either the station's owner, commander, or a character possessing "Assign Stations" privileges within the faction that controls the station. The character must be owner, commander or pilot of the infantry entity being added. The character must be present in the station command room to add ships to the garrison reserve.

Infantry can be withdrawn from the garrison by the owner, commander, or operator of the station when they are present at the station's command room.

Each garrison type has a maximum size for the garrison reserve. This size is counted as:

used_slots = sum(slots used by active squads) + sum(slots used by infantry reserve)

An infantry garrison squad can be deployed from ships within the garrison reserve. These squads have a maximum slot size of 12, similar to regular NPC squadrons. The character who initiated the deployment controls the garrison squad.

Infantry Garrison squads have the following capabilities:

  • Travel within the garrison they were launched from
  • Conduct combat vs valid targets for room combat

Notably, garrison squads cannot but may change in the future:

  • Board any other entity
  • Exit the entity they were launched from
  • Join a party or squad
  • Pilot or command the entity they were launched from
  • Cause the entity they are active on to share sensors

A character may launch a squad from a garrison if they are owner or commander of the garrison, or they have the faction privilege Launch Garrison Squad.

A character does not need to be present at the garrison to launch a squad.

Characters can:

  • Control a maximum of Infantry Command + 1 garrison squads concurrently
  • The amount controlled concurrently is shared between garrisons and squad control. Meaning a 1 in infantry command will grant the ability to control a total of 2 garrisons or squads.

There are some situations where launching is prohibited. These situations will need to be resolved before new squads can be launched:

  • If the garrison is over weight or volume capacity.
  • If the garrison is over the garrison reserve slot size.

Each garrison squad has a maximum loiter time, which is the duration they can remain under control after being deployed. Once this time limit is reached, the squad is automatically recalled to base. They will return to the infantry bay and rejoin the garrison reserve.

When the squad returns to base, a restock timer is applied. During this time ships from the squad cannot be relaunched. If the squad returns to base within 20 mins of initial launch, then the restock timer is not applied.

Additionally, any character with launch permissions can order any launched squad to return to base.

In combat operations with an Infantry Garrison, the skills of all droids and NPCs are individually utilized. Other features modified by Infantry Command are listed below.

loiter_time = Base Loiter Time * (1 + (0.05 * Controller Infantry Commadn))
rearm_time = Base Rearm Time * (1 - (0.05 * Controller Infantry Command)) Controlled Amount = Controller Infantry Command + 1 - Currently controlled Squads