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Chiss Ascendancy has a new Chancellor
Hacked by: Valat Horn, Chiss Ascendancy
Date: Year 8 Day 335 From the Barracks Fidd 1,1 Barracks in Fidd 1,1 on Fiddanl (170, 225).
Sith Lord Chancellor Isoldor Storm was killed today, and in the confusion following his death, control of the Chiss Ascendancy passed to the small mining and trading group eXiles Intragalactic Lithology. The eXiles are most commonly known for their retail trading company Galmart and also run the mining and construction company Csilla Excavations. The circumstances of control passing to eXiles are somewhat murky, but the Correllian Valat Horn assumed the Chancellorship shortly after. Horn declared neutrality in the galactic civil war, and announced that the government would be reconstituted as a Constitutional republic.
In the chaos following Storm’s death, the Chiss Ascendancy government was overthrown. With Chiss leaders absent or fleeing, Commander Valat Horn, Governor of Oetrago and Vice-president of eXiles took command of local forces to restore the peace. With the support of those Chiss leaders who could be reached, Commander Horn was quickly approved as interim leader of the government. Chancellor Horn held a press conference after taking office.

He made a brief statement; “Good day honorable senbes of the galaxy. As you know, the Sith Lord Chancellor Isoldor Storm was assassinated today by a member of the Damned in collection of a thirty million-credit bounty paid by the New Republic. The Chiss Ascendancy hereby declares a position of neutrality in the war being waged between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic and their respective allies. We expect all governments to honor our status and cease any hostile actions. We will respect all prior treaties and business agreements that are not contrary to our neutral status. The transition to the new government should be completed in a few days, after which we will entertain diplomats and other extra-national issues. Business and production will continue as usual.
We will soon convene a Constitutional Convention and expect to establish a Constitutional Republic. Elections will be held after the Constitution is approved. Thank you.”

Chancellor Horn explained that his military title earned during his service with Tytus Escort, and that it was this military experience that enabled him to take charge of local Chiss garrison troops and restore peace.
Several high-ranking members of the former administration were present and declared their support for the new Chancellor.
It is unclear how a man who wasn’t even a Chiss citizen emerged as the new leader. The exiles, who have always maintained their neutrality, are known to have been employed by Chiss on a massive construction contract encompassing several planets. Paperwork obtained by reporters shows that the tax rate on Fiddanl was changed only hours before Chancellor Storm’s death. The paperwork was signed by Governor Valat Horn by authorization of Chancellor Storm...

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