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Krieg's Run Second Season
Posted by: Tolando Krieg, Knights of the Fountain
Date: Year 13 Day 3 Onboard the C-3 Passenger Liner KSS Iram in system Usk (385, 35).

Good evening ladies and gentlesentients, I am Tolando Krieg coming to you live from Sciaa's Floating Casino. Thank you for tuning into another addition of the Racing News.

As the year comes to a close I wanted to reflect on what a huge success the Krieg's Run has become. Three races where held over the summer. With over two dozen different racers and gamblers, and over a half dozen sponsors, the buzz was tremendous and exciting. During the course of the races there were many lead changes, adding enthusiasm to the spectators, gambles and racers alike.

Captain Siraloth Xivah has the honor of going down in history as the winner of the Inaugural Krieg's Run. Then Major Lorenzas Atticus stunned the galaxy with back to back wins for the second and third races, very impressive, defiantly the one to beat in the upcoming season. Verd'ika Jason Starshooter, Amaranth Kushiel, and Commander Octogo Kunn all placed second during the season and we look forward to their return for the next season. I wish them all good luck and Ara's speed for the upcoming second season.

After the success of the inaugural year, preparations are already underway for The Krieg's Run Second Season which promises to be filled with more excitement, bigger prizes and new relay stations. We are also excited to add some danger as we send our racers into the MAW and back. Not to worry though, even a medium skilled pilot such as Rehon Mosspim can maneuver the MAW. He went there himself to insure it can be done and that our racers will be relativity safe, even thought it can be a little tricky. Suggestions on how to maneuver through the Maw will be given to racers, but you are free to explore your own route.

There are a THIRD OF A BILLION credits in prizes for the entire Second Season. Almost THIRTY SEVEN Million credits in prizes for the first race alone. The Champions race will be 77 million credits in prizes.

Do you have what it takes to be a winner? Do you have nerves of steel, the endurance and the skills to put the competition light years behind you? If you answered yes, then you need to sign up now. Registration is now open for the first race of Krieg's Run Second Season Year 13 Day 46. Be sure to sign up today and get ready to take your place in history. It's easy just send Tolando Krieg the one million credit entry fee for registration. Get out your star charts. Fame and fortune are sure to follow. There will be seven regular season races this year. Any sentient who finishes first or second place in the regular season will be eligible for The Champions Race, with all the Galaxy watching you are sure to become a legend!

Each race promises to have fabulous prizes. The first race will have a grand prize of twenty million credits, and a second place prize of fifty nova crystals and a set of stormtrooper gear. The Champions Race will have prizes that are hardly ever seen on the market, let alone given away for such an event . The second place prize will be the highly sought, always popular and very deadly CR-90 Corvette capital ship, donated by the thoughtful philanthropists at Black Sun. The grand prize will be an Asteroid Hideout with location only to be revealed to the Champion of the season, donated by The Smugglers Guild in conjunction with The Knights of The Fountain. That prize is no moon, its a station, an asteroid hideout.

So check your maps, tune up your ships and get ready for an unforgettable season that is sure to be filled with excitement, thrills and adventure. The next first place winner could be you, will you accept the challenge?

I would like to thank each of the following sponsors. Sciaa's Floating Casino, Black Sun, CryoMed Group, SoroSuub Corporation, Smugglers Guild, Knights of the Fountain, The Krath Dynasty, Sienar Conglomerate, Murishani unubunko, and Lilith Delcroix Art-Shop. These races would not be possible without their generous sponsorship. Be sure to check out their goods and services, or if you are looking for a new place to hang your hat, then contact their recruiting office and be sure to mention our advertisement.

And remember, it is never too late to become a sponsor yourself, become a part of the legacy, help us increase the prize pool for our racers, and get some publicity for yourself at the same time.

Year 13
First Race Day 46
Second Race Day 81
Third Race Day 116
Forth Race Day 151
Fifth Race Day 200
Sixth Race Day 242
Seventh Race Day 291

Day 340

Are you sentient enough to win the asteroid hideout? Go ahead pick a race, tell your secretary to block off those dates on your calendar and get your vacation in with the boss. All the races count and everyone is in contention.

On behalf of all our sponsors, everyone at the Knights of The Fountain and Krieg's Run Racing, have sweet racing dreams and we will see you at the starting line.
This is Tolando Krieg signing out.

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