The Krieg`s Run racing commission was founded in Year 12 and are celebrating their third season this year. The commission is led by Tolando Krieg and held in partnership with Rehon Mosspim and Knights of the Fountain. The racing season contains six races and, when the six races have been concluded, a championship race is held to determine the grand champion. Prizes received for those that finish in the top spots can be the Krieg`s Run trophy, ships, vehicles, batches of items, tens of millions of credits, or combinations thereof.
Day 72 marked the beginning of the third season and the beginning of the first race. A total of ten pilots had signed up to compete. Among them were Ardu Nillian, Raptor Cardel, and race champion Tabty Haasza who all had the distinction of making it to at least one relay station first.
Races two and three were held on Day 114 and Day 156, respectively. The second race of the season was very intense. Amaranth Kushiel and Hayley SwiftFighter were pushing their ships to the limit as they dashed through the racing course. In contrast, the third race was at a more relaxed pace. Amaranth did not let this impact her one bit and she left all the other pilots in the space dust. In both races, she was the champion and also the first to all the checkpoints.
Due to heavy fluctuations in the galactic economy, interest waned over the summer months of the calendar year, which also caused the fourth race to be postponed as there was not enough interest. This is in spite of the substantial reward that could be won from the race.
Originally slotted as the sixth race of the season, the fourth race on Day 282 saw a surge in interest with six pilots registered and a competitive race. Having begun with a bit of a shock, solar flares caused some minor glitches for a few minutes; however, this quickly passed and the race began. Jufran Max, Tachibana Ryu, and race champion Amaranth Kushiel were all able to make at least one checkpoint first. Amaranth has won three of the four races this season.
- Maha Michi
In the last month, the holonet has seen more small businesses appear as well as those expanding. These new and existing proprietors cover a wide gamut of commerce, which include transport, goods and art work. Below you will find a sampling of those that are looking to make a lasting impact or further their reach.
With the dawn of Day 280 in Year 14, the galaxy saw a new venture blossom, Pless Enterprises. Entrepreneur Lylith Pless is setting her sights on multiple facets of commerce in the galaxy. Able to connect buyers with entities of superior caliber and rarity, they cater to the everyday person and collectors alike. High quality detailing and transport of ships and items are also available from their skilled artisans and pilots.
While drinking their cups of caf, Alan Scott and Daniel Sadman decided to launch a business endeavor. S&S Industries was born. Working tirelessly, these individuals built up their stock and further developed the business plan. Seeing the potential and skill in them, Thailerian Drahkel came on board as an additional partner. They aim at providing a broad selection of goods with the option for delivery and special orders.
Bringing together experienced pilots, Galdayo Everstar delved into creating a group centered on transportation with dealings in trade as well. Ace Transportation and Tradingwas founded on Day 274 and his vision began to take shape. They transport entities of all types and negotiate pricing with their customers. Mr. Everstar had this to say on his new business: I created Ace Transportation and Trading to provide a good, affordable service to the galaxy. With the help of my team of experienced pilots, we do that, with negotiable prices, timely deliveries, and great customer service.
Reopening on Day 300 after restocking, the Corellian Alcoholic Enablers League (C.A.E.L.) return is highly anticipated. C.A.E.L. is known for their top of the line liquor, which can be purchased individually or in bulk packages. Corellians receive a free alcohol of their choice from the inventory on hand.
Looking to further their base of customers, Novastar Transportation is going to be expanding into training riflemen and provide them with a basic fit out. To help meet this need, they have recently grown their holdings, which include cities to support this undertaking. Currently, as their name implies, Novastar specializes in transportation of ship, raw materials, items, and people of all kinds.
Established earlier in Year 14, Karn Industries, formerly Karn`s Raiders, began with providing skilled combat troops for clients of all sizes. They even provide custom packages on request. Recently, they have developed their offerings to compliment these troops, by selling weapons and items.
- Maha Michi
From above, the marshy jungles of Malastare, in the Dustig Sector, appear impenetrable. Covering over half of the planet`s surface, they are home to a startling array of species. And what better way to appreciate this ecological diversity than by holding a contest to see who can cut the broadest swathe through it in the least amount of time? Recently, participants in the Mandalorian Clan Breviin`s Death Hunt on the Dugg homeworld did their best to do just that.
The first place winner of the hunt, Claveon Deleon, returned to the Pixelito Spaceport on Day 165, after shooting her way through a kill list that included Rancors, Dianoga, and even the fearsome Krayt Dragon. In addition to successfully hunting all the creatures on the list, Deleon also had to bring back one of ten specially made vertex crystals which the Clan had hidden in secret locations throughout Malastare`s forests. Clan Breviin designed the Death Hunt to be a test of cunning as well as skill.
At the winner`s ceremony, Deleon was formally named Kyr`am Beriya , or Death Hunter, and awarded an ancient gauntlet in commemoration of her achievements.
Many Hunters attended my call to join the Death Hunt, they all fought valiantly, but at the end there is only one Death Hunter, announced Aliit`buir Peter Max of Clan Breviin, Claven Deleon proved to be both fast and deadly; kyr`am beroya Breviin salutes you!
Other hunters who placed included Armus Zod, in second place, and Ragnos Zeott, coming up a close third. Kathleen Stewart, of aliit Gav, was the first participant to bring down a target, and fellow clan member Kyla Sav was the first hunter to personally locate one of the prized crystals.
Most of the creatures the contestants were required to bring down were native to Malastare, but a few had to be imported and released by Clan Breviin specially for the event. Several native Dugg groups were not pleased about the introduction of off-world predators into their forests, and intermittent chants of Mandos go home! could be heard around the Pixelito Spaceport long after the Death Hunt had come to its conclusion.
Why don`t they just dump a Giant Space Slug down here while they`re at it, too? grumbled one prominent Headman to a Veritas correspondent. What happens to the big nasties the contestants didn`t manage to hunt down? Guess who gets to live with the ecological ramifications of that, eh, once your galactic death party`s over?
Dugg discontent aside, however, Pixelito - and Malastare in general - appears to be on an economic upswing since the end of the Death Hunt. The tourist industry is doing a roaring trade, the relative humidity rating in the Pixelito Basin is at an all-time low of 98%, and bacta sales at the city`s largest medical outpost have quadrupled over the past two weeks. According to Aliit`buir Peter Max, Clan Breviin plans to hold the event again next year. This has been Veritas News, reporting live from the Dustig Sector.
- Sedna Thrall

Dark Skies Gearworks, former recycling company, has in a recent turn of events dissolved. The company, who were led and owned by Countess Lilith Kaine-Natanaele of Vorsia existed for 1 year and 97 days. They prided themselves on their no-nonsense, get-things-done attitude to their service, and they always aimed to skip the bureaucracy, favouring a quick, honest quote for the customer.
However, as of Day 282 of this Year, Dark Skies Gearworks is no longer in business. In a statement released by Countess Lilith, she explained that the company was not closing due to financial difficulty, but due to her being unable to lead it any further. The following is an excerpt from the statement:
It is because of the success that I have decided to close down; I did not wish to see Gearworks become unreliable and struggle to maintain itself. We could not continue without changing too much or putting the burden of leadership onto someone not ready for it. After my personal life took a severe blow when my wife disappeared, I soon knew that my ability to lead Gearworks was fading. I could not continue to affect and be responsible so many people with clear continence. Some see it as sad news, but I am happy. I am happy to see our members being able to move on without resenting my decision.
It is clear from the reaction of many sentient beings that the departure of DSG from the galactic stage was surprising, and that they will be sorely missed. Nonetheless, many of the Gearworks employees have now moved on to new paths. Dark Skies Gearworks has gone, but its members and memory will remain in this Galaxy for a long time.
- Khorde Devarian
Recent events have seen a large exodus of normally even-keeled sentient beings taking to uncharted space in a deluge as hidden system after hidden system are discovered. While these discoveries are welcomed by the galaxy at large as new beings, long lost to the galactic stage, are brought back into the fold of the galactic community, they are soured by the loss of life that seems to accompany each new discovery. Less pronounced than the new discoveries, but in a sense, greater than them is the loss of life that has increased with the increase of those journeying out into the stars. This leads some to wonder as to the cause behind these recent dangerous outings. As beings take to the uncharted realms between civilized society in ever increasing number, we at Veritas have wondered as to the reasons behind this mass exodus. Join us in our musing my friends.
In our quest for truth, we have discovered that many of the beings who are venturing out of civilization are disenfranchised with their local populaces. Some beings are thrill-seeking adventurers, others are employees of the rich and out-of-touch, while yet others are those looking for fame, fortune, or any money that can be found in the discovery of new real estate; however, the common thread that laces together all of these individuals from all walks of life, is a desire to be free. In the cold void of uncharted space, there is no law, there is no government, there is only the spacer, his ship, and his will to survive.
In this questing for freedom, though, we must wonder why so many would put their lives on the line for so long a shot at discovering an uncharted world, unshackled by the cords of galactic governance. Is it perhaps that they have finally tired of being a cog in a seemingly never ending war machine with no signs of an end in sight? Perhaps it is that these brave adventurers have simply tired of the chains of being told who they can associate with, where they can go, and what they can and cannot own or have access to? Or maybe, just maybe these bold sentients have a much simpler reason to take to the stars between worlds, a desire to be the master of one`s own destiny, leader of one`s own career, and champion of one`s own life. Regardless of the specific desire; it is known that deep within the core of every being is the longing for freedom. Will these new discoveries prove to discover the elusive freedom sought by so many? And will the toll of innocent lives be worth that freedom?
- Finar Ambrose

In recent times, a new and rather unique organisation has come into foundation. This organisation is Premium Paint and Design, and will be run by Filithell Arborin and Dek Sulare. They offer custom design paintjobs for creative sentients who want their mobile home to be completely exclusive. The founder, Mr Arborin, has had a paint job service open for nearly five years. Still, he has now decided to expand into a fully-fledged company and will be offering his expertise to everybody and anybody. Although fiercely impartial when it comes to customers, Premium Paint Design will have ties to the Imperial Union- aligned Tresario Star Kingdom, though Mr Arborin stresses that all are welcome in his paint shop.
My first love has always been custom ship painting along with vehicles, stations, droids, and equipment, says Arborin. I also will continue to offer my services for company logos and banners. My associate, Dek Sulare, produces custom paint jobs as well as specializing in outstanding hand-drawn images.
As one of the only decoration businesses in the Galaxy, they`re surely going to have a lot of orders on their hands. They currently only have Mr Arborin and Mr Sulare in terms of personnel, though we have been informed that they will be on the lookout for new artists to boost their productivity and provide an even better service. Names such as Ermine Nozual and Garharh Brin have been mentioned, though none have been spoken to yet.
They have stated plainly that they feel little will change in the way they do business; their service will be provided in the same way as before, just on a larger scale. They have had the pleasure of working with some of the Galaxy`s most famous ships. In the words of Filithell Arborin, Transitioning our modest paint shop to an enterprise will hopefully add an air of legitimacy to our operation, but in other respects we are quite content with business as usual. Oh, by the way, you might like to know that in celebration of our five year anniversary, and to thank the galaxy for taking us in with open arms, we are releasing several of our private ship designs for free public usage. It is not enough to express our true gratitude, but is at least one small tangible way for us to say thank you.
There you have it, folks: free designs for your spacecraft! Will this company succeed in its endeavours or will business run dry as we have seen so many times before? Only time will tell. This is Khorde Devarian, reporting for Veritas News.
- Khorde Devarian