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A new Beacon in Tion Cluster
Posted by: Abraari To, Tion Hegemony
Date: Year 21 Day 201 From the Palace Purple Palace in Mbong-iwoe on Spinax I (334, 266).

Purple Palace Courtyard

Earlier today, many citizens of Tion Hegemony gathered outside The Purple Palace in Spinax, home to Lady Hegemon Stephanie Barefoot-Delcroix, to pay homage as she made her last appearance as Head of State

Since her appointment as Hegemon on Year 17, Day 328, Lady Stephanie has contributed to the expansion of the Greater Tion Cluster’s territory. First with the peaceful colonization of the –at the time, recently discovered– Kazarak system only half a week after her rise to power, which kickstarted an ambitious planetary development project for the government’s Infrastructure Department, incidentally Lady Stephanie’s origin in the Hegemony, and her area of expertise. We can also remember the solidification of diplomatic relations with Sienar Conglomerate, which led to the conjoint venture of the recycling company Santhe Corporation; something that both Lady Stephanie and President Bart Roberts had admitted looking forward to for years. She quickly became a leader loved by the residents of Tion Space, and she demonstrated her devotion to her people time and time again; one of many examples is the time she sacrificed her reputation in the galactic trading community by swindling a criminal that attempted to ransom a kidnapped Tionese officer.

Unsurprisingly, the front courtyard of The Purple Palace was crowded with hundreds of attendees that, with heavy hearts, awaited a speech from their leader, unsure of what to expect as the reason for Lady Stephanie’s retirement. The announcement of this decision came as a surprise to many, others had heard the rumors, others may have felt it was a matter of time, but it is indisputable that this was a bittersweet moment in history for every single citizen of the Greater Tion Cluster, as we say farewell to Lady Stephanie. If you missed the event, we have footage of her farewell speech.


Stephy's Speech

“People of Tion, 

"For several years I have had the pleasure of being your Lady Hegemon and enjoyed working alongside all of you for even longer. I still recall fondly the first time I entered Tion space all those years ago, but my greatest memories came from seeing our people blossom and prosper. I have worked alongside many of you across all of Tion’s planets and even beyond on those of our allies.  

"Through struggles and through prosperity, I have stood with you just as you have been with me. Together we have made Tion more prosperous than ever before, and I am confident the days ahead will be brighter still.

"I hope that my story and legacy can be that of inspiration, an example to all of those with aspirations that hard work and dedication does pay off. I had no political ambitions when I began my career but when the time came I was there to answer the call.

"Nevertheless, we all must recognise when it is our time to pass the reins to the next generation. My journey is not over but it is no longer going to be as the Lady Hegemon. I have given my heart and soul to Tion and its people, and now I would like to give the same energy and dedication to my family and personal matters.

"Tion will always be my home, and you will always be my people, but from today I trust our future to Abraari To.

"My parting message to all is to keep going, trust your heart and your destiny will find you in time.”


This humble reporter is certain that our Lady Stephanie will be missed dearly, and will go down in history as one of the best leaders of our nation. We, at Greater Tion News Group, thank her for her guidance and devotion, and we look into the future with the same hope and trust as her, for what is to come under the regime of the new Lord Hegemon Abraari To. His proven competence speaks for itself.

The career of Lord Abraari in the Hegemony began on Year 15, Day 82, by joining the Tionese Engineering and Construction (TEC) department, led at the time by Lady Stephanie herself, and he worked on the modernization of the core planets of the Tion Cluster and in particular, the development of Amarin II. Simultaneously, Lord Abraari became a vital part of the Sentient Resources Project –an ambitious endeavour promoted by Neria Derycke at the time– which provided citizens with easy and affordable access to imported goods and services. Eventually, after Derycke’s departure from the Hegemony, and the rebranding of the Sentient Resources Project to Tion Trading Bureau, Lord Abraari was the sensible option to step up as Director of this civilian branch, working closely with his friend and mentor Lady Stephanie.

But Lord Abraari’s career didn’t stop at the TEC department. He explored his potential in different areas of Tion and it’s nationalized corporations, first in Athakam MedTech under the leadership of Crislyn Anessa Waryn, coordinating the construction of Hospitals, Labs and Research Centres outside of Argai (Athakam’s homeplanet); then at the head of Tion Military & Science Industries as President of the subsidiary, effectively claiming a seat in the Tion High Council. All of this, culminating in his inevitable position as Chancellor of Tion Hegemony when Lady Stephanie was appointed Hegemon and named him her right hand. Lord Abraari has always held the Tionese citizen’s interest at heart, and through the years proved his devotion to aiding those who, like him, arrived to the Tion Cluster full of hopes and dreams. He is welcomed as our Lord Hegemon with a thunderous applause, for we all know that he will continue to look after his people. Let us hear his first official speech, as our 5th Lord Hegemon.


Abraari's Speech


“Dear citizens and friends of Tion, the time has come for a change.

"When I first applied for citizenship, Stephanie Barefoot - who I’m sure we all call Stephy but I guess we should be formal here - welcomed me with open arms. Also with a megaphone and tons of work, but that’s  a story for another time… From that moment, she became  a mentor and a source of guidance and wisdom to me. I know almost if not all of us can relate to this: we can’t imagine our lives without this figure guiding us.

"But this time has come. I’m honored that such an influential and important sentient has decided to put her trust on me to take her place; and the rest of my life would not be enough to express my gratitude and all the respect I have for her.

"But enough with the past, let us rejoice and look to the future! Tion has never been so blooming and through another Hegemon we’ll see another age of glory for our nation. We still have much to do: develop our research, expand our territory… I’m thrilled to be part of this and to guide all of you through this! We’re at the threshold of a new era for Tion.

"Now let us celebrate and enjoy the present day. We are all here, friends, comrades, delegates, united. Thanks to all of you for being here, for your trust, for your devotion.

"And again, thank you Lady Hegemon.

"Prosperity through unity.”


Lord Abraari's appointment took effect immediately after the public speech, marking the beginning of new era for Tion Hegemony. The reporters and staff at GTNG wish Lord Abraari the best in this new endeavour. This has been Lianna Corvae for the Greater Tion News Group, reporting this pivotal evolution of our beloved Hegemony. May we forever be Tionese, united and prosperous.

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Events in Brief
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Year 26 Day 104: With the brutal civil war that has consumed Zeldiis in recent months only escalating, most of the galaxy’s governments no longer recognize Rendili StarDrive as the planet’s ruling body.