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Mas Fuertes Juntos: Production Giant Sapin Syndicate joins AMC
Posted by: Sophie Blaster, AMC-CNN
Date: Year 22 Day 112 Onboard the Lucrehulk-class Battleship [AMC] Lucrehulk-Class Battleship "Poseidon" in system Dousc (3, 251).

Breaking news reported by AMC-CNN Information Magistrate, Sophie Blaster.

Production giant and mega-conglomerate, Sapin Syndicate, announced today that it has signed and ratified a Strategic Alliance Agreement with the Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums, thereby bringing Sapin under the Protective Covenant of AMC. Sapin Syndicate now joins AMC-ITECH and Black Hole Manufacturing under the production arm of AMC in a move that significantly strengthens all three production entities as they will now be able to share Datacards and lower costs along all production lines.

Sapin Syndicate Deep Space Production Station: undisclosed location.

Sapin has long been known as a pioneer in deep space production with a major hub in the Senex Sector in the south western region of the Galaxy. They also run other smaller hubs and mining operations in that region. This Alliance, however, will draw their gaze northward and plans have already been set in motion to start production operations from the AMC controlled planet Leafar as well as from a new and larger Deep Space Hub in the north western region of the Galaxy.

The relationship with AMC began well over a year ago when Sapin won the bid on a large military production contract. As work on that contract progressed, the leadership of both entities saw that a common philosophy and common set of values were shared by both organizations. It soon became apparent that an even stronger bond would serve both entities very well and diplomats from both sides began the task of discussing the details of such an alliance. The fruits of those labors have now been brought forth with the signing of this treaty which took place on Year 22 Day 100. This day shall not soon be forgotten as all entities involved emerge much stronger from this cooperation.

Moments after signing the treaty, the Syndicate's President Adrian Owen addressed the gathered dignitaries and members of the Galactic Press.

"It was only a matter of time for AMC and Sapin Syndicate to sit down and discuss a future where our two factions could formally join forces," the President began in his statement. "We've worked for AMC in the past as part of a successful contract of shipbuilding, and thanks in large part to Major Julio Weston's diplomatic efforts, we were able to come to terms with AMC's Proconsuls to take the next step."

As was referenced above, as part of the formalization of joint relations, AMC has granted territory on the planet Leafar to Sapin Syndicate. Sapin's skilled architects and engineers have quickly set to work designing city plans and construction is expected to begin within the next few months. AMC has also granted exclusive Mining Rights to a large cluster of Asteroid Fields in AMC Territory where Sapin can draw resources from to supplement their production endeavors in the region.

Construction Mechs prepare the City Slab for new construction on Leafar.

Regarding their new territory on Leafar, President Owen said, "We are beyond thankful to the leaders of AMC and their gesture of good faith and their commitment for a future in which our communities can coexist and face the galaxy's adversities together."

He went on to expound upon the Syndicate's plans saying, "Our first step is to prospect for raw materials beneath our new city's platform on Leafar and also within the Asteroid Fields granted to us. We look forward to shifting the Syndicate's industrial center to the planet Leafar."

The over-arching umbrella of the Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums now consists of AMC's massive military forces in conjunction with AMC-ITECH, Black Hole Manufacturing, Sapin Syndicate, AMC-Mining, AMC-Trading, AMC-CNN and the Faceless Hunter Ascendancy, who's tenants of The Hunt and Legacy are followed religiously by many of AMC's citizens.

Just like Black Hole Manufacturing has done since joining AMC, Sapin Syndicate still plans to take on private production contracts and sell to the general public as well as any Faction or Government interested in its vast and now enhanced product line. As a neutral entity, AMC nor its affiliates, are saddled by the constraints of the Galactic Conflict so that all may prosper in this open galactic marketplace.

With its production powerbase now in both the north and the south, Sapin Syndicate is poised to increase its footprint on the Galaxy and share in the protective security of being a valuable member of the Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums.

Sapin Syndicate cargo ships arrive in orbit over Leafar to begin operations on the surface under the escort and protection of an AMC military fleet.

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