Kashyyyk, Kashyyyk (FFNN). Today, aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer TFF Pixie POWAH, King-Father Simkin Dragoneel, monarch of the Faerytail Family, finished the preparations in Kashyyyk for the celebration of the fourth annual Green Forest Day held on Days 356-357 and celebrations have already started erupting across Kashyyyk. Planning for Green Forest Day have become more and more complex as billions upon billions of repatriated Wookiees have skyrocked the population of the system to over 353 billion inhabitants. While the celebrations for Kashyyyk are planned to be massive, events are planned across all 113 planets that comprise the Faerytail Family(TFF).

Once again, the celebrations of the Green Forest Day however are not just heralded on Kashyyyk. All across Faerytail held territory local governors and central leaders are supporting the event by cutting taxes, awarding private property in various lotteries, and providing economic advantages to their citizens in development plans. According to Faerytail officials on Kashyyyk there are plans to give away at least four billion credits in hard hard currency as well as various other assets in order to combat the economic recession that non-Imperial Union governed citizens are experiencing across the galaxy. While the event itself is on Days 356-357, in true Faerytail fashion, the giveaways and celebrations will last ten days starting on Day 247 for the galactic public on the Faerytail Holoservers located at: HOLONET LINK. As mentioned during the King-Father's speech he will be will be Holo-projecting his body to mingle with all the commoners that come to attend our Holonet celebrations.
Reference Links
Public Celebration Link: Public Celebration Link
Faerytail Holosite: Holosite Link
The War for the Republic: The War for the Republic Link
Hosnian War: Hosnian War Link
Second Battle of Krmar II: Second Battle of Krmar II Link
War for Mechis: War for Mechis Link
Battle for Oshara IV: Battle for Oshara IV Link