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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Black Rose Extractions Announces Formal Expansion Into Weneen Sector
Hacked by: Amara Shailene, Black Rose Extractions
Date: Year 24 Day 356 Location Unknown

     Greetings, Sentients. My name is R66, 3PO Protocol Droid and official spokesdroid for the Black Rose Extractions Corporation. I have been tasked with reporting to you, the galactic populace, on a matter of some import to the company.

     Since it’s inception on the accepted Galactic Date of Day 169 of Year 24, Black Rose Extractions has operated almost exclusively out of the Sprizen Sector as a Contractor Corporation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This mutually beneficial business relationship between Black Rose and the Confederacy has allowed our company to grow by leaps and bounds within (for a bunch of organic life-forms) a relatively short amount of time. With a vast array of resources and contacts at it’s disposal, Black Rose has worked at slowly taming the wilds of the North, unburdened by the conflict and chaos ravaging other parts of this Galaxy, secure under the sheltering peace of the Confederacy.

     Now, a new chapter is coming for the company and for this I refer you to our esteemed Executive Director, Lady Amara Shailene. Director?

     “Thank you, R66. Indeed, we owe a great deal to our friends and benefactors within the Confederacy. Not least among these are Confederate Head of State Dex Sehrin, Magistrate of the North Truse'vala'ilone, and the head of Cybot Galactica, Erik Haskell. While I cannot comment on active operations for CIS, the trust placed in us by them in allowing us an ever greater role in aiding the Northern Separatist States is manifested each day.

     Now, on to the meat of the matter, if you will. Our operations have grown to the point that we have begun to turn our eyes toward meaningful expansion. The nearby Weneen Sector, lawless and systemless, is a prime target, ripe for exploitation. With the recent acquisition of several stations, most notably a MSD-class Station, I can now formally announce that our Black Fleet Security Force has been deployed to the Sector on a mission to secure the space nearest the station, with the expectation of one day sending out our miners and freight ships to further bring prosperity to the North.”

     Director, are you at all concerned that other nearby Governing Entities and Corporations might not take kindly to such expansion?

     “An excellent question, R66. Obviously, we are in a very competitive market, and so opposition from other companies is to be expected. When it comes to other Sovereign states and their Nationalized Corporations, well, to them I say this: Rest assured that Black Rose Extractions has no intentions of intruding upon you or interfering with your operations in any way. I fully welcome open and honest dialogue with any and all.”

     (The Director nods and exits through a nearby door.)

     There you have it, Sentient beings. A fine day for our humble little company. This has been a special report from Black Rose Extractions. I am R66, wishing you a fine day.

Transmission Complete.

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