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Crimson Dawn Welcomes Smugglers Alliance to Glom Tho
Posted by: Xanxus Drol, Crimson Dawn
Date: Year 25 Day 190 Onboard the Modular Taskforce Cruiser [ToZ] Patriarch in system Glom Tho (-123, 172).

In a significant development for the people of Glom Tho, its government Crimson Dawn has announced its absorption of the Smugglers Alliance. This strategic move brings the two groups under one banner. 


The merger is spearheaded by the leaders of the two groups, Xanxus Drol of Crimson Dawn and Corvo Skarn of the Smugglers Alliance. The alliance between these two leaders is built on a long-standing friendship and mutual respect, which has facilitated a smooth transition and integration of their operations. Corvo Skarn made headlines this year after being captured by Son-Tuul Pride. "While both Crimson Dawn and Son-Tuul Pride reside within the Shadow Dominion alliance group, we have our own political sphere and outlook on things, we have been doing what we can to see Corvo freed, but in the meantime his operations are suffering, its a testament to Corvo that he has kept things afloat from a datapad for the last several months." Said High Priest Xanxus Drol.


"People often get confused, alliance doesn't mean we blindly just all do the same thing, we march to the beat of our own drum at Crimson Dawn. STP has its own way and culture, so do we." Xanxus continued. "This is not a hostile takeover or looting, Corvo is a good friend in an unfortunate circumstance. He wants his people and operations to continue, so he is joining his people and assets of the Smugglers Alliance with Crimson Dawn."


Crimson Dawn, a multifaceted government with significant influence over trade and a bit of everything else on Glom Tho, aims to leverage the Smugglers Alliance’s extensive network and operational prowess. This merger is expected to enhance Crimson Dawn's capability in managing the intricate logistics and clandestine operations that were the hallmark of the Smugglers Alliance. The combined resources and strategic know-how will likely bolster Crimson Dawn’s position in the galaxy. Crimson Dawn, ruling over one planet (Glom Tho) and some asteroid colonies, is considered by itself as a minor government.


The integration of the Smugglers Alliance also aligns with Crimson Dawn’s ongoing efforts to consolidate power and expand its influence. By incorporating the Smugglers Alliance, Crimson Dawn not only gains control over smuggling routes but possibly also the loyalty of skilled operatives who excel in resource acquisition and covert operations. Smugglers Alliance is also known for its "cutthroat Raw Material prices" and other affordable services. It is unclear what of these services will remain under the Crimson Dawn banner, as Crimson Dawn already sells raw materials at slightly higher prices.


"We look forward to bringing the people of Smugglers Alliance into our journey and welcoming them to Glom Tho!” Said Xanxus before showing off his Free Corvo T shirt. Smugglers Alliance went out with a bang by  holding a going out of business flash sale for raw materials, with near cost pricing, bringing in over 500,000,000 in 48 hours and liquidating SA’s entire inventory of raw material.


When asked for comment, Corvo simply replied to our request for a remote interview with a text response  “I don't play both sides when it comes to people, and I don't play with people who play both sides when it comes to me. #FreeCorvo”. As Crimson Dawn continues to grow, the eyes of the galaxy will be on Glom Tho to see how this new power dynamic unfolds and what it means for both allies and rivals of Crimson Dawn.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 325: Dax Owok, the leader of The Zann Consortium was replaced today by Elarain Belleraux.