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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
An Open Invitation To The Glom Tho Gala
Posted by: Xanxus Drol, Crimson Dawn
Date: Year 25 Day 263 Onboard the Modular Taskforce Cruiser [CDC] Patriarch in system Glom Tho (-123, 172).


Hevvrol> Glom Tho> Glom Tho 1- Glom Tho 1 (Glom Tho), known to many droid enthusiasts as well as followers and scholars alike researching the Crimson Dawn faith, is opening its planetary doors so to speak, to tourism… but there's a catch… its only for a week!

A tropical jungle world with mostly empty beaches, dense patches of lush vegetation,  the world is home to around 1.2 billion sentients. This number sounds like a lot, but for planets of this size it's not a cramped place at all. There are many adventures to be had on Glom Tho. And while Glom Tho does not normally allow tourism, it does allow immigration and sentients of all species will find the populace to be open and accommodating as the cities and towns of Glom Tho are a diverse melting pot of cultures and people.

Despite this openness towards diverse immigration, tourism is restricted heavily and requires a pile of security clearances, it literally is easier to apply for citizenship and move in then to just visit the world's surface for a few days. Locals frequent the tourist destinations such as beaches but rarely do non citizens.


The Crimson Dawn Government, by method of this news article, is inviting the galactic public with the exception of a few groups and individuals, to the Glom Tho Gala, occurring Day 364 of Year 25. The Gala will include a Droid Expo where you can bring your favorite droids and custom models, a scavenger hunt for prizes, hunting time and more events, as well as free stuff just for attending including our limited edition festival GNK Power Droid model. Diplomat class guests also have access to special events.


The event celebrates Crimson Dawn's rise to becoming, as it describes itself, a “minor government” over the people of Glom Tho 1 and its asteroid territories, not claiming to be some grand empire with only one world under its domain. “We want people to come out and have a good time!” said Xanxus Drol, High Priest of Crimson Dawn. “Glom tho is who we are and we want to share that with as many people as security and good relations permit!”


Crimson Dawn requires that you get a ticket, registering your spot at the event. Boucho Rick Shadow, who oversees the Department of Special Projects explains that the ticket is free and is more a formality “It's important that you register for the event, this allows us to have gifts/swag available, this allows shield and security checkpoint passage. We welcome you to our planet!”


Nova Network will be broadcasting live from the gala and has been issued a special vendor permit to sell Nova products for fans to support the station. Typically vendor permits run for 2 years and start at 1,500,000 credits, with a lifetime permit costing 10,000,000 credits. “We want to promote trade, but this is not a swap meet, special exceptions can be made for non profit activities such as our friends at Nova” said Xanxus Drol regarding the issue.


Xanxus continued “Speaking of friends, we want to thank our neighbors at Interstellar Parcel Service for their generous donation towards the prize budget, which we say the more sponsors the better because it only benefits the galactic community who choose to participate!”


Tickets can be acquired at


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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 332: Ximo Jobal, the leader of Hutt Cartel was replaced today by Akasha Ru Tauk.
Year 25 Day 332: Elarain Belleraux, the leader of Crymorah was replaced today by Robert Reynolds.