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A Minstrel Makes Her Debut
Posted by: Drax Whittler, The Mindabaal League
Date: Year 25 Day 314 Onboard the Lucrehulk-class Battleship Cashflow in system Mindabaal (-100, -102).

Bzzt, Bzzt, your holo projector emits a bright golden light that quickly solidifies into one of the most stylish ships you have ever seen rotating in front of you.  Its golden hull reflecting the light of distant stars, you can see that no expense was spared and the attention to detail meticulous. Each panel fits seamlessly with the next and even the veins coming off the stern seem to be reaching for something. The scene then shifts to interior rooms alive with action, from a fully functioning cantina to a pleasure room featuring a Twi’lek laying back in a steaming tub, each room appearing finer than the last.

As the images change a melodious female voice speaks.   

“One of the finest pleasure yachts in the galaxy made her debut today. In a long awaited galactic unveiling The Mindabaal League has finally made their crowning achievement the Minstrel – Class Space yacht available to the public. Until now these ships were not for sale except for the occasional auctioned vessel which drew heavy bidding and left more sentients disappointed a having such a prize slip through their fingers, or claws.

A marvel of engineering this spacious yacht blends luxury with firepower and enough hanger space for a fighter escort, the minstrel is designed for the well-to-do sentient wanting to travel in the lap of luxury and the rarity of the vessel makes it a must have for collectors.

Minister of Trade and Commerce for the Mindabaal League Galian Quinn was kind enough to allow a few members of the CenterPoint Market team on board prior to the ship being listed for sale on their holo-servers. Here are some of their comments, as the CPM team is supposed to remain neutral in their dealings, they have asked that their anonymity be protected and we have agreed.

“Obviously we see a lot of ships in our line of work, yet I have never seen a vessel that was more appealing to the eye. She travels with an unexpected grace; even when entering and exiting hyperspace the ride is so smooth I didn’t spill a drop of my Hapan Reserve.”

“I do hope they are going to list more of these spectacular vessels. I want one for myself if I can ever save up the credits. The interior is more luxurious than a Hutts palace and we all know how they like their creature comforts. From the ballroom to the steam baths this ship has it all.”

“The Minstrel is a thing of beauty. It is little wonder the league guards the data cards containing the design specs so tightly, I worked in design at Kuat Drive Yards before joining the CPM team and let me tell you I know a few engineers who would give their first born to get a hold of those designs. Mark my words, now that they are available to the public the Minstrel-Class Space Yachts will be setting the bar for luxury vessels.”

“I was talking with Mr. Quinn and he let slip that the Minstrel is fully customizable and can be configured for any prospective owners tastes. From Pazaak halls and cantinas to pleasure palaces or even pool and island themes for those water dwelling eccentrics. If you can imagine it Quinn says they can build it.”


Originally the brainchild of Drax industries, the production arm of the Mindabaal League the Minstrel-Class has been being refined for years, with small production runs and the occasional auction to test the galaxies response the vessel is now ready to be offered to those sentients of discerning tastes and liberal credit accounts.

Orders will be filled on a first come first serve basis. If you want to get one of these phenomenal vessels for yourself it is likely that you will have to wait for the next production run as there is already a long list of sentients hoping to get their claws on one. Reach out to the Mindabaal Leagues Ministry of Trade and Commerce to pre-order your Minstrel today.”

Your holo-projector powers down and the image is gone.

You find yourself wondering if a Minstrel-Class might be right for you.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 332: Ximo Jobal, the leader of Hutt Cartel was replaced today by Akasha Ru Tauk.
Year 25 Day 332: Elarain Belleraux, the leader of Crymorah was replaced today by Robert Reynolds.