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GC disbanded - New alliance in negotiation
Posted by: Zachill DeSol, Mandalore
Date: Year 25 Day 319 From the Government House Aldacor Spire in Aldacor Spire Base on Mandalore (158, 216).

Mandalore News Network reporting from planet Mandalore

    Today marks the end of the longest-standing neutral alliance in the Galaxy. The Galactic Concordiate has decided to disband over the criminal activities of its Magistrate, Dru Snotz. What was supposed to be a six-month position turned into the most destructive two years the alliance has ever had. The former Magistrate was accused of coercion of fellow member states, canceling elections for his replacement, theft of humanitarian aid, and a pay-for-play voting system. With his corruption, he managed to drive off several of the founding governments from the alliance long before its downfall became obvious.

    After being detained by members of the Concordiate Guard, he was transferred into Aurodium Legion custody. Snotz could be heard screaming that “He was the only one who could save them from themselves.” This was followed by incoherent yelling and exclamations we will not display here. Legate SoB Conners stated that Snotz “Would not see the light of any sun ever again from one of our prisons on Aphran IV.”

Dru Snotz Jailed by Aurodium Legion

    Shortly after that, the remaining leaders of the Concordiate assembled to discuss the next steps. Dissolution was the consensus the remaining member states agreed upon. All the governments' leadership was given time to untangle themselves from any agreements they might have had with the Ex-Magistrate.

    This action was a great surprise to many of the citizens of their respective governments, but others had expected it to occur. The representative of the durasteel industries of Rondai mentioned, “Last year we applied for funds to expand the food production to meet the demand of our workers and the GC promised to send aid months ago, but it never arrived.” The group of people behind him agreed with him very vocally. 
“They had become a do-nothing group who were only helping themselves, not we the people. We just get empty promises.” He screamed as he pulled up his ragged shirt to show his ribs, which were tight to his skin.

    Many members expressed sadness to see the Galactic Concordiate collapse under its weight, but it brought about an entirely new economic alliance. Negotiations toward this new alliance have occurred since before the Galactic Concordiate's final days.
The leader of Mandalore, Mand'alor DeSol stated: “It’s a tragedy to see a friend getting corrupted by power so easily. Now his days are counted. We have been working on reforming the system already, but in light of the recent events a drop of the old system is inevitable. The new alliance will be much more applicable. We will make it relevant and useful that the support arrives where it is needed. There will be no big papers one could hide behind, but at the same time we make sure the framework is solid, stable, and prevents corruption.”

    While still being negotiated, this new alliance will bring together a more diverse set of allies based on the changes currently washing over the galaxy. Many of the ambassadors for their respective governments are familiar with each other. This has helped to make the negotiations go smoothly.

Ambassadors from different governments meeting to disguss a new alliance

Some of the organizations involved in these negotiations are:

  • Menagerie
  • Tion Hegemony
  • Hapes Consortium    
  • Sienar
  • Aurodium Legion
  • Mandalore
  • Rol Recycling

    The concrete points of the new alliances are not set yet but one source mentioned there would be a stricter set of checks and balances to prevent what caused the downfall of the Galactic Concordiate from ever happening again.
    After the first set of meetings on planet Mandalore many news agencies were eager to catch a comment from the leaders. Mandalore News Network secured a statement from the Gengh-Noghri ambassador Sekou Tau before he entered his shuttle. He said: “As the executive officer and spokesperson for the group of organizations collectively referred to as the Menagerie, I would like to emphasize the significance of our journey to this point. It is a testament to our collective commitment to establishing a mutually beneficial cooperative alliance among us. By setting aside our differences and concentrating on our shared goals, we can create an environment that fosters prosperity and security for all involved."

    Citizens from many worlds, especially those who are not the main focus of the ruling government, are looking forward to this new alliance in the hope of finally getting help for their development plans. While the news network is still waiting for official sources on the details of the new alliance, the Galaxy is already anticipating a new and stable league of known governments.


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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 332: Ximo Jobal, the leader of Hutt Cartel was replaced today by Akasha Ru Tauk.
Year 25 Day 332: Elarain Belleraux, the leader of Crymorah was replaced today by Robert Reynolds.