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Ternion Corporation Celebrates Life Day with Grand Prix!
Posted by: Siou Wolfsbane, Ternion Corps
Date: Year 26 Day 27 From the Office Clone Advocacy Office Arvala-6 (2, 2) in Arvala-6 (2, 2) on Arvala-6 (330, -260).

Ternion Corporation Logo

The Ternion Corps logo fades and is replaced with the visage of a female Zabrak, seen on your screens not too long ago; Siou Wolfsbane, Lead Clone Advocate.

Siou Wolfsbane

“Greetings gentle sentients of the galaxy! I hope your year has commenced with aplomb and adventure! We here at Ternion Corps have just wrapped up our celebrations; a ten-day of hunting across Arvala 6, wrapped up with the annual TC Grand Prix.

“Five competitors took place this year; Ternion CEO Vir Calder, Ternion COO Zal Ragath, TC Chief Science Officer Paul Luz, myself and friend to TC, Minwolf Kandar. The course ran for an exciting 100kms, and wow! Was it an exciting race?

“My speeder failed to start, and the four left me in the dust, but I soon made up the difference. Paul Luz’s craft gave up the ghost at around the 50km mark, having taken too much damage through the canyons and sharp turns. Favouring his health over the race, Paul shut down, and gracefully bowed out. 

“Minwolf and I had a friendly rivalry going for a while, but agreed to a truce after Minwolf’s craft took damage.

“For most of the race it was Vir vs Zal, Siou vs Minwolf, with it looking like it was going to run into a photofinish between Siou and Minwolf. Sadly, I lost control of my craft at the eleventh hour, and crashed.” The Zabrak smiles to herself. “In true mandalorian fashion, my brother-in-arms, Minwolf used this to his advantage, and took first place. Zal came in third, and Vir, fourth.” 

The image switches to the winner, in livery matching his orange craft, and is heard saying to individuals off-camera “Wow! That was a great race! You made it close, Siou! And thanks Paul Luz for organising.”

Minwolf Kandor holds aloft his trophy

The camera droid flicks back to Siou Wolfsbane. “Well, that’s all we have for you today! If you like receiving updates on Ternion’s work with those brave clones, remember to keep our frequency tuned on your sets. Take care, and Ternion wishes a very happy Year 26 to everyone watching.”

The screen fades to a variant of the Ternion Corporation’s logo, wishing seasons greetings.

[Main Page]
Events in Brief
Year 26 Day 101: Byblos Drive Yards, holding numerous systems, today claimed their independence. Byblos Drive Yards is now recognized in the Galaxy as a legal government.
Year 26 Day 99: Unnamed Imperium is now widely recognized as the most likely to stabilize the situation on Columus, and has been offered aid and recognition by most of the galaxy's major powers.
Year 26 Day 99: A coalition of populist movements have wrested control of Columus away from Endless Endeavors, promising to keep the world autonomous and free of off-world influence.