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Endless Prosperity in the Endor Pact
Posted by: Siejo Kutol, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Date: Year 26 Day 71 Onboard the Sabaoth Destroyer (CIS) So Much For Sobriety in system Dallenor (-6, -199).

After the brief journey from the Hassaria System to the Dallenor System, Siejo Kutol made an official diplomatic visit this week to meet with Kez Aak, leader and founder of Endless Endeavors. Upon starting his second term as the Security General of the Endor Pact, Mr. Kutol sought a personal meeting with Mr. Aak to officially sign the Collective Defense Treaty. This meeting also served to formally admit his government, Endless Endeavors, into the Endor Pact, following the Alliance's unanimous vote in favor on Day 13 of Year 26.

Serving as a premier alliance in the galaxy, the Endor Pact was established in Year 19 to secure the post Avance void created after the merger of The Avance Coalition into the Trade Federation, focusing on mutual defense and economic cooperation. Unified in common force, the signatories of the treaty resolve to safeguard their freedom, civilization, and sovereignty against those which would threaten the whole, or any constituent of, the Endor Pact.

After its successful operations at Jakku and the Western Reaches, the involved organizations came together to form the alliance and together act as steward for the coalition running the system. Originally covering a small portion of the Galaxy’s south-west, since then it has expanded to include other powers, and the organization in the region now includes most sectors in the south-west region of the Galaxy.

Current members of the Endor Pact are as follows: Alpha Medical Corporation, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Czerka Corporation, Kolkpravis, Krath Empire, Matukai Dragons, Trade Federation, and now Endless Endeavors.

Some critics of neutrality incorrectly associate the political stance with inactivity or apathy. At a recent press conference, Security General Kutol was quick to dispute these claims.

“There is a misconception out there that neutrality means weakness or apathy. While our member states are dedicated to neutrality in regards to the Galactic Civil War, we are still very much interested in the sovereignty of our systems. Let me be clear: this alliance is more than just a piece of paper, we are fully dedicated to defending our member states from any aggressor.”

When asked about the benefits of the Pact, Security General Kutol took on a more diplomatic approach: “Mutual defense goes a long way, but it is more than just words. It requires quite a bit of cooperation between all of us in the Pact. We have defensive meetings most weeks where we review training and tactics and are currently working on amending our Pact to include a more unified defense structure. There are also plans for shared research and development in the works to better aid our abilities to defend ourselves and each other. We have high expectations of our members, and I cannot be more pleased with the progress we have made over the course of my term.“

Regarding the newest member of the Endor Pact, Endless Endeavors, it was built from the ground up using capital provided by the then up and coming entrepreneur Kez Aak. Following years of isolated training in the jungles of Malastare, Mr. Aak truly emerged into the galaxy with his visit to exchange wares during the Year 18 Uli-ah Gafsa Memorial Swap Meet. He was invigorated by the excitement of engaging and trading across the galaxy, and this inspired him to create the business Endless Endeavors - offering services to the galaxy however possible.

Endless grew its humble roots as a small transport company offering logistics services to customers across the galactic political divide, as well as any other reputable organisations that could afford the company’s reasonable service fees. As he grew Endless, Mr. Aak always kept the importance of community and member experience in mind, and he fostered a culture of transparency, collaboration, and camaraderie within Endless. Member experience became first priority within Endless, and these pillars continued to drive exponential growth.

Unsatisfied with simply being a logistical service, over the course of the next year Mr. Aak negotiated what would be the first of several significant milestone achievements in the company’s history when the planet Daltarra’s ruling party, the Black B’halir, integrated into Endless Endeavors. This provided Endless with their first home, Daltarra, in the Outer Rim, as they transformed it to a model of efficiency. The company’s territory expanded a short time later, when the potentate Rawth joined his holdings in the Hollan Sector to Endless Endeavors.

From there, Endless Endeavors continued to prosper and in Year 21, Mr. Aak and his team of pioneers discovered the previously unknown system of Dallenor, uniting the sentient avian Fosh with the galaxy at large and further increasing Endless’ land holdings. The company promptly honored its commitments to the system by building the Dallenor system into a productive and peaceful hub for industry and trade, adding billions more of sentient lives under their protective umbrella.

In Year 25, capitalizing on a major opportunity to strategically position its territory, Endless moved from its long-held holdings in the Daltarra system to consolidate into the galactic south-west, namely in the systems of Procopia, Isde Naha and Loovria. Endless Endeavors was now firmly entrenched in the South West corner of the galaxy, opening up some interesting opportunities with their new neighbors.

With the formation of the Endless Endeavors government, Mr. Aak initiated the next phase of Endless' evolution. Recognizing the importance of collaborating with established powers in the region and learning from their experience, Mr. Aak reached out to the Endor Pact to foster cooperation and growth.

After some deliberation by the defense council, Endless Endeavors was welcomed to the ranks. With their addition, the Endor Pact continues to expand across the southern part of the galaxy, spreading the goal of mutual cooperation, respect and peace.


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Events in Brief
Year 26 Day 104: Rendili StarDrive is now widely recognized as the most likely to stabilize the situation on Zeldiis, and has been offered aid and recognition by most of the galaxy's major powers.
Year 26 Day 104: With the brutal civil war that has consumed Zeldiis in recent months only escalating, most of the galaxy’s governments no longer recognize Rendili StarDrive as the planet’s ruling body.