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Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 186 18:34

FALCON EDIT Y25 D228: This is the final update for this sim news post. Herdfest server has been archived and you may now claim items aboard the T2 and Herdship (with the exception of items currently being spawned by another character. Give them ample time to pick their item up from the floor).


Thanks again for participating and enjoy your day!

FALCON EDIT Y25 D206: I will be archiving the HerdFest Discord server in ~24 days(just setting all channels to read-only and removing extra privs). Once that is done, I will post one final update here. Additionally, when the server is archived, I will not be enforcing the "no stealing from HerdFest" rule. So basically, if you want your stuff, you have until I post the next update to grab your stuff or someone else is gonna come along and steal it. 

one caveat to this is that if you follow a latecomer into the Baffor Jubilee and claim their prize right when it's spawned, then that will be enforced. 

That is all. See you in 24 days!

It seems we Platypus forgot to make a Sim News about this... sorry!


The Ithorian Explorer who used to teleport you to the Herdship has gone home. The rewards vendor is still available and can be found in the cockpit of the Herdship which you can travel to at the following coordinates:

Sector: Bright Jewel
System: Bright Jewel (-5, 185)
System Position: (12, 9)

We have no plans to remove the rewards vendor any time soon, so if you still have leaves burning a hole in your pocket, feel free to spend them!

Platypus Edit: Sorry, my bad! One note - the Herd Meet Host in the Bafforr Jubilee's entrance can still send you home one last time. This NPC will be removed after D194.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 228)