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Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 25 Day 188 20:34

Future Warning: Item Claim

Next Weeks Sync will include the following rules change:
Items (crated or not) that are carried by a character or are on terrain (not a city) may be claimed by that character.
This won't apply to crated droids or quest items.

Force Armour & Cybernetics

There is an update for force users and their armor and cybernetics interactions.
The armor you wear and the type of cybernetics you have will negatively impact the force alpha level and maximum Force pool.
The equations for reductions are on the rules page.

Combat changes

- Only leaders can initiate the attack, not party members (or non-leader squadron members).
- Leaders no longer need to have weapons of their own to initiate attack, as long as the squadron has at least one weapon.
- You can attack squads with non-combat enabled ships in them, the non-combat enabled ships will be ignored. (Example: a Frigate squadded with a fighter, the frigate will be ignored). Previously this would have been rejected with an error.