Good afternoon SWC!
I'll start with the small announcement, since the rest of this is about the upcoming stats, and takes up a lot of space. Mador Anami will be stepping down as Quest Director, and will be replaced by Eli Descartes until either Mador returns or Eli chooses to step down. A HUGE thank you to Mador for everything he's done for the team. Mador was instrumental in helping coordinate Herdfest, as well as overseeing many large projects, some of which are still in production. We're gonna miss you buddy.
Now with regards to the upcoming stat changes, I don't remember if I promised it or not, but many people have asked for it, so below is a list of the expected upcoming RM changes for all ships as well as all constructable stations. As a reminder this next weekend (appromixately 8-10 days from now) we will be adding components to Ships and Stations. This will be in addition to the weapon changes started last week[EDIT: The weapon change will be finalized in the sync 8-10 days from now. Expect the weapons to change]. For the most part, don't expect Party Slots or Maneuvrability to change, however all other stats are fair game. We're going to try to keep most stats as close as we can to their current value, but some may change for balance reasons. The biggest difference you will see is Weight/Volume changes, due to components. Ships and Stations already built will have their stats updated, and any ship/station already under construction will not be affected by the RM changes. however, any Ship in the production queue and any Ship/Station built after the stat change will be affected.
(*The below images are subject to change and while we expect them to be the final numbers, they may be slightly different than the value below)
[EDIT: With the addition of components, entities now take the number of escape pods available into account for RM requirements. This is largely what you're seeing with the Meleenium increase, since each escape pod requires 30 Meleenium.]
A simple breakdown of what's going on behind the scenes are that each entity (Ships/Stations this next sync) will be comprised of Components. Components directly correlate to entity stats, and those stats directly correlate to RM requirements. When we eventually introduce entity modification, this means that when you modify a ship, you are also modifying the RM requirements for that ship(this is important for datacards with the modifications being used). We'll talk more about those changes when they become more relevant, but when we get there, expect the rules pages for entities to be "base versions" of those entities without any modifications.
In addition to the images below, you can also follow THIS LINK TO THE GOOGLE SPREADSHEET that has all of the below data in it. If you have any questions about the upcoming changes, please feel free to reach out to me either on Discord or via DM.
STATION CHANGE PICTURES (click them to open in new tab):

SHIP CHANGE PICTURES (click them to open in new tab):
