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Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 100 16:06

Good news everyone! I'll cut right to the chase: We have found a way to keep your Zero-G armour in the game without removing it! Instead of the armour being removed this weekend, we have partnered up with Raid: Shadow Legends The Galactic Empire to ensure all suits in privately stolen owned hands will remain there. The Galactic Empire will be pushing out an update this weekend with the upcoming changes that will remotely disable all Zero-G armour suits and weld them shut, meaning there will be no way to go inside them. For those of us who like lists, here's what that looks like(if you hate lists, avert your eyes):

  • Zero-G armour suits will have their only room removed to prevent anyone from accessing it
  • Zero-G will not get any current or future stat updates (the RM change might still go through but it obviously won't directly affect anyone)
  • Come R&D Modification, the Zero-G suit will not be researchable or modifiable
  • All suits will get a one time free move to their final resting location (click me)

The Galactic Empire has assured me that anyone who returned their Zero-G Armour for the offered reward would be eligible to have the transaction reversed, however, the forges of Fondor light once more, which leads us unto my next point: Super Capitals have once again been enabled for construction.


Finally, I leave you all with one final bit of good news. We have decided to remove the Escape Pod RM requirements from all ships, since escape pods do not provide RMs when recycled. We're still aiming for this weekend to push out the following changes:

  • Some Ships/Stations will receive new weapons (I apologize, I do not have a nicely formatted version of this list, so you'll have to find out this weekend. Generally speaking, this is going to be consolidating heavy lasers into quads)
  • Ship/Station Stat changes
  • Ship/Station RM changes
  • Ships/Stations gaining components (back end change that drives the aforementioned 3 changes


Thank you to the Galactic Empire personnel who helped to provide an IC solution to an OOC problem, even if we didn't end up using it. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. Thanks!

P.S. Just thought about this before I submitted this post, but we have done some back end work to try and pinpoint what is causing the issues with shield regen failing repeatedly. At the very least, we will be notified much quicker when it happens and can take action to fix it faster. One change we made on the back end is that asteroid damage happens at :10 past the hour and shield regen happens at :40 past the hour, so they are offset by 30 minutes. We suspect there may have been an issue caused by them running at the same time, but we will keep you all updated.



<@Falcon> oh yeah the RM thing I posted the other day is wrong now, but just take `RM requirement x # Epods` away from the proposed RM requirement and you'll have the actual value

(Edited by Erek on Year 26 Day 100)