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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Vucnen'ah Tucan'si
Posted by: Truse`vala Ilone, Scrapper Guild
Date: Year 23 Day 32 Onboard the Depot Station IV Chag II - BH taverns - open to all in system Chagri (23, 144).

(CHAGRI, BOGDEN SECTOR) - This week journalists were invited to a local re-processing plant where the Scrapper Guild and Chimaera Fleet announced the merging of both companies into a single corporation.

Ondoron Bondoon, owner of the Chimaera Fleet made the announcement to all five journalists in attendance saying “Today marks a wonderful occasion whereby two like-minded companies join together as one company. From this day onward, my own Chimaera Fleet and the Scrapper Guild will join forces.”

It was also noted that the company would remain known as the Scrapper Guild as journalists were being given a tour of a processing plant used to process hazardous chemicals from broken down hyperdrive engines.

“Naturally the merger makes perfect sense.” said Truse`vala`ilone of the Scrapper Guild “Our two companies share very similar philosophies and goals. We have similar business partners, operated in close proximity to each other, operationally we were almost identical. For instance, they also overwork their employees for very little pay and of course being a fleet, well, you have no idea how much paperwork is saved, they can skip just about all policies related to health & safety in the workplace”.

“Thanks to our regional partners who were kept in the loop about this, we can establish multiple hubs along a new trade route, creating multiple destinations for customers to re-supply their resources.” noted Ondoron who also made mention that a new trade route would start in the Outer-Rim Territories, over the Eastern Core, and eventually into the Southern Core worlds.

“Thanks to our regional partners who were kept in the loop about this, we can establish multiple hubs along a new trade route, creating multiple destinations for customers to re-supply their resources.” noted Ondoron who also made mention that a new trade route would start in the Outer-Rim Territories, over the Eastern Core, and eventually into the Southern Core worlds.

When asked about the impact to customers, Ondoron noted that no customers would be impacted by the merger “We’re both mining companies at our core, the equipment and technology we use is the same, so we don’t foresee any issues in completing our pre-existing contracts, or any other contracts made before our companies merge.”

Earlier this year the Guild also expanded its affiliations to the One Nation Under Jou. The government from Morobe has sent a fleet of military and support vessels to patrol nearby asteroid fields that provide valuable resources to the Scrappers Guild, allowing continuation of mining operations without bandit harassment. Dorinian Military Corps, which controls the Chagri system, welcomed the One Nation and allowed for the establishment of a local church on Chag II. The church was dedicated as the Sanctuary of Blessed Light and functions as a focal point for cultural exchange and spiritual guidance for any of those that would seek it.

Concluding the press event, local Chagrians were invited to participate in hazardous waste extraction as part of their work experience in handling dangerous chemicals. Foreman droids were standing by providing timely guidance and acclimating them to Guild life.

The newscast fades.

Scrapper Guild

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