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Scrapper Guild

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 18 Day 31
Leader: Ondoron Bondoon
Second In Command: Cash Shoo
Recruitment Liaisons: Cash Shoo
Chat: Discord Invite

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The story of Scrapper Guild is a story of mergers, of families coming together.

The Scrapper Guild was founded on Y22D261 by Truse`vala Ilone to transform the way we process junk in the galaxy. Based originally out of the Bogden Sector, the Guild operates a high risk, low reward employment policy for its workforce that ensures maximum effort for minimum pay. We make sure to employ only the loneliest of people with no family commitments or relatives to ask questions should the unfortunate happen.

On Y23D31 Scrapper Guild merged with Chimaera Fleet, a predominantly asteroid focused mining group based in Oplovis providing gainful employment to sentient beings rescued from oppressive government territories since Y22D244. Chimaera Fleet’s excellent station construction services were preserved in the merger of the two young companies, under Chimaera Fleet’s leader Ondoron Bondoon. Sometimes we even build you stations you didn’t know you needed!
During Year 23, Scrapper Guild saw to the development of Zrak, home planet of the Heep-Heep. Incidentally, the Scrappers’ presence on Zrak instigated the rise of the Red Party, and the red glasses that soon began to dominate the Confederacy of Independent Systems’ northern territories.

On Y24D35 Scrapper Guild merged with Sprizen Mineral Holdings, an infrastructure development company, formed by Dex Sehrin on Year 18 Day 31. Sprizen Mineral Holdings was the answer to material shortages in the latter’s Galactica Group and its expansion throughout the northern sector of Sprizen, creating a company that could not only build and maintain the controlled planets, but extract and refine the ores from said planets. Sprizen Mineral Holdings had put in place a step by step development plan to build many mining complexes across the northern system of the galaxy, creating affordable homes and secure jobs for all of the local sentients. By the time of the merger, Sprizen Mineral Holdings was the Confederacy of Independent System’s primary material provider.
Today Scrapper Guild holds to these core concepts:
Our Riggers operate our junk yards, mines and quarries all day, every day to bring you the raw materials that you will need to support your vast industries or private projects. Sure, you could go to a premier mining company but why bother when we can provide you with everything you need at corner-cutting (and safety-cutting) prices!
Our other products might not look the best and they may have even skipped a safety inspection or 2, but we guarantee they’re still functional.
Come check out our vendors along the Scrapper Hyperlanes! Want to check material availability first? We keep a daily updated stock inventory here, but you can also find our vendors on the vendor holonet. Look for a Scrapper!

Interested in our blueprints? The below blueprints are available for lease to the public

SHIP and MINING Datacard Cost per use ITEM Datacard Cost per use
Modular Conveyor 150.000 Jetpack 50.000
KRS-1 Ore Hauler 125.000 Bait 25.000
Class A(MKII), and E Cargo Container 50.000 Portable Power Generator 25.000
Class C, I and J Cargo Container, Cargo Canister 25.000 Storage Cylinder 50.000
Mining Module ships 25.000 GPS 50.000
Mining Module vehicles 25.000 Large Backpack 25.000
Mining Module explosives 25.000 Sequencer Charge 50.000

So whether you are checking us out for the first time, or you’re a returning customer. Let us welcome you to the Scrapper Guild!
Scrapper Guild is excited to announce we are looking for new Scrappers!

Scrapper Guild Map


Faction Mining Datacards Diplomacy

Datacards Owned:
Ships Vehicles Droids Items Weapons Facilities Stations
Modular Conveyor
KRS-1 Ore Hauler
Class-A Cargo Container Mk II
Class-E Cargo Container
Class-J Cargo Container
Cargo Canister
Class-I Cargo Container
Class-C Cargo Container
C-wing Ugly
GRZ-6B Wrecker
TIE-wing Ugly
X-ceptor Ugly
Y-TIE Ugly
Y-8 Mining Vessel
FK-7 Airspeeder
SX-65 Groundhog
EVS Construction Droid
LIN-series Miner
Portable Power Generator
Storage Cylinder
Large Backpack
Alpha Plus Charge
Sequencer Charge
Recycling Plant
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV