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Unnamed Imperium

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 19 Day 288
Leader: Adalgar von Albion
Second In Command: Lucifer Von Kaldreon
Recruitment Liaisons: Lucifer Von Kaldreon
Chat: Discord Invite
Forum: Faction Forum

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Unnamed Imperium

The Unnamed Imperium is a faction built not on legacy or conquest, but on merit, opportunity, and pragmatism. Here, names and titles carry no weight—only actions define a person’s worth. Operating primarily within the Venaari and Xyquine systems, the Imperium thrives as a network of traders, strategists, and specialists, each carving their own path without the constraints of rigid hierarchy.

At the heart of the Imperium lies the Unnamed Auction House, a galactic marketplace that serves as the faction’s economic backbone. With a reputation for efficiency, transparency, and reliability, it offers traders and buyers a seamless platform that rivals any other. Integrity in business is paramount—scamming and deception are considered unforgivable crimes, even when dealing with outsiders.

Governance & Structure

The Imperium operates under a duo-leadership system, balancing both official representation and practical authority:

Dr. Adalgar von Albion, the Sin of Gluttony, serves as the paper leader, taking on official responsibilities while indulging in his insatiable demand for Bacta.

Lucifer Von Kaldreon, the Sin of Pride, is the true architect of the Imperium, directing its operations, forming alliances, and ensuring the faction’s continued prosperity. While listed as second-in-command on paper, his authority is unquestioned.

In times of transition, leadership would pass to Lucifer or Cap Kwan, ensuring stability without disruption.

The Sins of the Imperium

The Imperium recognizes key figures within its ranks through the titles of the Sins, individuals whose defining traits shape both their actions and their contributions to the faction:

  •  Crane Baxa – Sin of Greed: A relentless thief who takes anything not bolted down—and if it is, he takes the ground with it.
  •  Dr. Adalgar von Albion – Sin of Gluttony: His consumption of Bacta is so extreme that they purchased a planet to sustain his needs.
  •  Xyre Weltmon – Sin of Wrath: Once a powerful figure in factions such as Black Sun, Pure, Bando Gora, and Exelis, she remains a ghost of her former self. She avoids the public eye, speaking only to Lucifer, yet her influence lingers like a whispered legend.
  •  Lucifer Von Kaldreon – Sin of Pride: The Imperium’s true leader, whose confidence, strategy, and economic expertise have transformed the faction into a thriving force in galactic trade.

Strength Through Strategy

Unlike traditional factions, the Unnamed Imperium does not rely on overwhelming military force. Its fleet is modest, as defense has never been a major investment. Instead, the faction thrives through diplomacy, negotiation, and access to restricted ships and resources that few others can obtain. Information, exclusivity, and well-placed alliances ensure that the Imperium remains stable without the need for direct confrontation.

A Place for All

The Unnamed Imperium welcomes individuals of all backgrounds, regardless of their history, species, or past allegiances. What matters here is not where someone comes from, but what they bring to the table. Those willing to work, trade, and grow will find opportunity. Those who betray trust will find themselves cast out.

The Imperium does not seek the spotlight. It does not demand recognition. It thrives in the spaces between power and influence, shaping the galaxy through trade, diplomacy, and the quiet strength of those who choose to stand with it.

"A faction does not need to be vast or mighty. A powerful faction is an Empire; a large one is a Society. We are neither. We are a family."

- Elora Re Vodka


Faction Planetary Control Subfaction Datacards Manufacturing Mining Paramilitary Trading Information Diplomacy Subfaction Medical

Datacards Owned:
Ships Vehicles Droids Items Weapons Facilities Stations
Y-TIE Ugly
C-wing Ugly
GRZ-6B Wrecker
TIE-wing Ugly
X-ceptor Ugly
G-1A Starfighter
GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat
KRS-1 Ore Hauler
Y-8 Mining Vessel
Spacelane Diner
Sysat T-20
M-class Luxury Liner
Sysat T-24
EF76 Nebulon-B Medical Frigate
Sprint-class Rescue Craft
SX-65 Groundhog
FK-7 Airspeeder
EVS Construction Droid
Kettrifee Air Mover
Bantha II Cargo Skiff
LIN-series Miner
DD-13 Medical Assistant
MD Medical Specialist
Laser Scalpel
Healing Stick
Bacta Tank
Bacta Refill
Bacta Patch
Artificial Arms
Artificial Eyes
Artificial Legs
Cyborg Close Combat Unit
Cyborg Electronics Unit
Cyborg Engines Unit
Cyborg Metallurgy Unit
Cyborg Ranged Combat Unit
Cyborg Weapons Unit
Tactical Helmet
Ryll Patch
Death Stick
Bacta Ryfill
Riot Shield
Ship Parts
Sub-Space Radio
Poison Vial
Portable Power Generator
Alpha Plus Charge
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Recycling Plant
Training Academy
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Golan Laser Battery
Computer Control Centre
Crew Quarters
Slave Market
Labour Camp
Civic Centre
Commerce Centre
Wildlife Preserve
Alazhi Farm
Bacta Refinement Facility
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Asteroid Hideout
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Trading II
Relay Station
Zoo Station
Medical Factory Station
Hospital Platform XQ-2

Recent News:

Year 26 Day 99: Unnamed Imperium is now widely recognized as the most likely to stabilize the situation on Columus, and has been offered aid and recognition by most of the galaxy's major powers.