On the 12th Day of the 15th Galactic Year, the Prindaar system was discovered. Shortly, it was clear that the Krath would become the legitimate power. They tried to establish a brutal dictatorship over the territories in the system. However, there were territories uncontrolled by the Krath. Most were intimidated, or bribed, ceding their lands to the Krath. But a few land owners remained, they were ready to continue their struggle to the bitter end. Matubo Invincius and Zbyszek Widzenier took control over thirteen cities, having forged an alliance, one that refused to obey the Krath dictations. The Krath Command had sent an army of droids and mercenaries in order to suppress the civilian defiance.
More than a year the siege of thirteen cities in the clouds of gas giant Antar in Prindaar System continued. Dozens of innocent workers, who built civil buildings, were ceremoniously and cruelly killed. Appeals to justice and code of the Galactic Alliance, the member of which is the Krath, were ineffectual. Having seen no justice and that no one of murderers and mercenaries would be convicted and that actions of the Krath got tacit approval of the Galactic Alliance, local civilians were horrified. Violent killings continued for more than a year, whereupon the Council of Communities appealed to the owners of the territories with a request of providing security and the fair trial of those who had committed crimes against humanity. Seeing their responsibility, Matubo and Zbyszek, supported by their allies, began an expedition to find a secure place, a home for all those who would wish to leave the territory of Antar, fearing for the life of their children and for themselves. In spite of the danger, the locals continued their struggle for freedom and their rights as individuals. And this did not remain unnoticed on Antar. Revolts of those who became dissatisfied with the ruthless dictatorship of the Krath flared across the planet. Although these rebellions were ruthlessly silenced, more joined with Matubo and Zbyszek.
Before long, a new home, which they had searched for so long, had been found. However, this is not the end of the battle, but only a start. Start of the battle for justice and establishment of a new regime.
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