Imperial Droid Corporation
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Cerberus Corporation

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 6 Day 67
Leader: Prard`arck Inrokini
Second In Command: Shawn Veldn
Recruitment Liaisons: Prard`arck Inrokini
Chat: Discord Invite

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Cerberus Corporation is one of the oldest droid production companies in the galaxy. Offering a large variety of the highest quality droids at affordable costs, Cerberus serves the galaxy by producing droids and sets the Galactic Standard by offering only the highest quality droids. Cerberus is the only company outside the Imperial Union to have developed military droid technology, holding the schematics to the infamous Battle Droid which is iconic of the Trade Federation.

For sales contact: Prard`arck Inrokini



HISTORY. Found on Year 6 Day 66, the Cerberus Corporation serves the galaxy by producing droids and sets the Galactic Standard by offering the highest quality droids.

Cerberus Corporation started as a freelance group with only three members and quickly grew to include many more. The Group soon had enough credits to create the droid producing faction as planned, and named it after the original freelance group. However, under the leadership of less then scrupulous owners, Cerberus's good image was tainted by thieves and criminals. In due time though, this was rectified when Auron Kun, Han Hunter, and Jesfa Ackmin entered into contract to purchase the fledgling corporation from a Wookie simply known as Thorr. They vowed to turn Cerberus into an economic powerhouse and to establish its name throughout the Galaxy as one synonymous with perfection.

With the Help of Auron Kun and the now disbanded mercenary group "Galactic Services Corporation" (GSC), this became a reality. They successfully executed any and all criminals that had plagued Cerberus's past ownership. Because of his questionable past and a conflict of interests, Jesfa Ackmin opted to leave Cerberus so it could retain its new reputation of not being affiliated with criminal activity.

Cerberus Corporation grew in leaps and bounds since its purchase under the leadership of President Han Hunter, the watchful eye of its owner Auron Kun and Kathol Republic's economic, material and military support. In early Year 8 President Hunter accepted the role as Kathol Republic President and left the reigns of power in the capable hands of its new and fearless leader, Arkhaios Plaga.

Taking over during the storm of violence that culminated in the rise of The Tamerin Foundation and its subsequent detachment from The Kathol Republic, President Plaga did everything that he could to uphold Cerberus and Tamerin Foundation Values throughout the conflict, investing even his heart in the Corporation.

As The Turmoil began to subside, the Presidency passed to Javon Calton, whose dedication to the company was matched only by its steady Vice President, Jevon Lambright. The Foursome of Calton, Lambright, Plaga, and Tamerin Foundation Chairman Auron Tamerin (formerly Auron Kun) now agglomerate more closely than ever, sharing the Leadership of Cerberus Corporation as need suits. The Four Men have become one in Cerberus Corporation and The Tamerin Foundation, and in looking toward the future hope to see the freedom and wealth of love spread throughout the Bortele Cluster and the entire Galaxy; Cerberus doing its part by bringing economic stability, standardizing industry quality, and Opening new doors of opportunity.

When a time of tragedy struck, Javon and Jevon planned an unthinkable robbery of the beloved Corporation which nearly left it bankrupt. Two weeks later, the responsibility was left to Marqus Star, former CerbSec Commander during the era of the Kathol Republic. After weeks of rebuilding efforts, Cerberus was finally working its way back to the top were it has stood before the terrible act.

After the disbandment of the Tamerin Foundation, Cerberus Corporation was merged into the Anzatan Commonwealth along with the rest of the foundation. President Star found himself incapable to lead Cerberus for extended periods of time, and so passed the duty to his Right-hand man, Jango Talon (formerly Jango Piett). Under his authority, President Talon made it his goal to push Cerberus and its employees to the peak of its capable performance.

At the End of Year 9, The Anzatan Bureau of Commerce, with direction from the Sovereign, conducted a routine inspection of Cerberus Corporation. The Bureau found that President Talon had been poorly managing the company and allowing the factories to be ignored while he pursued personal ventures. Newly Instated Commerce Director, Falnor Urthadar, took over as Interim President in order to bring the factories back online and accept orders once more.

Despite the setbacks of it's turbulent past, Cerberus has overcome these difficulties and recovered to become stronger than ever.

Past leaders of Cerberus Corporation include but are not limited to, Auron Kun, Han Hunter, Jango Talon, Taarn Star, Javon Calton, Javon Lambright, Jesfa Ackmin, Hoss Banne, Caitiri Ja`brai , Zero Turner, Zack Arsono, Kaleb Endar and Qatar Shendo.

On Year 13, Day 194, HRH Drael Traner was appointed as the new President of the company and Clavayne Radulfr served as her right hand in the Vice Presidency. Together they reorganized Cerberus as the finest Droid production Company in our galaxy.

Day 265 brought Cerberus Corporation one of it's former already experienced and well-versed presidents back: Qatar Shendo. Focussing on keeping the efficent machine that Cerberus had become under Drael's lead running, he is serving Cerberus Corporation. Become a part of the new Cerberus now and join us in our cause to be not only one of the best but the best droid production Company in the Galaxy.

On Year 14 Day 86, John Black replaced Noah Starfire as President of Cerberus Corporation, Along side him is his trusty 2nd in Command, Taarn Star. Together they have great plans to bring the old Cerberus factorys back to life. 

On Year 15 Day 221, with merging of Anzatan Commonwealth with Tresario Star Kingdom, Cerberus became part of Ministry of Economic Development of Tresario.

On Year 16 day 344 Cygnus Spacework merged with Cerberus Corporation

Cerberus Corporation - When the going gets tough, our Droids get tougher!


Faction Manufacturing Datacards Diplomacy

Datacards Owned:
Droids Items Facilities Stations
Battle Droid
GNK Power Droid
FA-4 Pilot
R3 Series Astromech
T-Series Tactical Droid
Droid Parts
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV