Y26D120 NOTICE: Hapes' holosite may be unavailable during the coming weeks as we transition to new hosting services and site templates. Old site remains available temporarily.
Work on the new site has been under way, and we may erect placeholder elements for the transitional period, but full member services will likely not resume for the upcoming weeks. Thank you, and see you on the new site!

-- Recruitment Portal & Holosite --
-- Apply Here --
:: Introduction ::
In a Galaxy fraught with discord and conflict, and an eternal struggle for dominion among governments and powers rising and falling, there has been one constant for four thousand years: the Hapes Consortium. A government whose culture is steeped in ancient and honourable traditions, a military armed with the latest technological achievements to protect its own, and a home to hundreds of billions of citizens with a rich heritage that spans the millennia.
The Hapes Consortium welcomes any person of any experience or species of honest standing and integrity who wishes to leave their past affiliations behind and make their new home in the Hapes Cluster as a member of Hapes. What do you wish to do? What do you seek to accomplish? Perhaps we can offer you a future worth seizing…
:: History ::
Sequestered within the Hapes Cluster, veiled by the hazardous Transitory Mists, the Hapes Consortium was once but a myth among space travellers, rumoured to have risen from an ancient conflict between the Jedi Knights and Lorell Raiders. The occasional, rare surviving explorer would speak of a vast isolationist civilization of unparalleled wealth and culture, marvellous ancient cities, and unique technological achievements used to ferociously guard its borders against all foreign intrusion. And so the legend of the Hapes Consortium would be told across the millennia.
Not until the onset of the Galactic Civil War did the Hapans finally initiate contact with the outside on a grand scale, confirming their existence to the greater Galaxy. Still, Hapes is a social nexus of diversity with peoples from all walks of life; from statesmen and civil servants, to powerful warriors and pilots, to the gentlest of scribes and poets, all working to further the goals of Consortium as it surges forward into a new age.
Driven by ancient ideals of honour, pride, and glory, the Hapes Consortium has found itself at a crossroads, seeking to adjust to its new role as a major power in a Galaxy rife with mistrust, intrigue, and conflict.
:: Structure ::
The Hapes Consortium, an ancient monarchy, is centred on the throne world Hapes, deep in the heart of the star cluster. Lorell Hall, a parliamentary body with the Royal Council at the top, oversees the day-to-day affairs of the Consortium's central government and its array of ministries and departments.
Upon signing up, a new candidate of the Hapes Consortium will be enrolled within the Star Home Academy, during which they receive an abridged introduction to Hapan history, culture, and society, as well as experience the basic combat course, which ensures the necessary skills to be eligible for joining various government ministries and military units upon graduation. We provide guidance to those unsure of their career choices, though more career paths become open with experience and displayed ability.
:: Technology ::
The Hapes Consortium prides itself on its technological achievements that have been perfected over the centuries. While also employing foreign designs in both the military and government, there are numerous ships, vehicles, weapons and items that are uniquely Hapan. This diverse array of entities mixes practical use and versatility with finesse and firepower.