Mecrosa is the driving force behind the retail juggernaut Mecrotica Trade, providing first-class sales and services to sentiments across the galaxy. Both producing, distributing, and selling to the public from its vast catalog of technologies, medical items, and military hardware. Mecrotica Trade has become a household name, recognized for its numerous ad campaigns, Vendor Merchants, Mobile Market, and of course its many shops on the Trade Federation Market.
Having itself worn many hats over the years, Mecrosa has recently internalized from a conglomerate to a singular powerhouse corporation. The monetary network of a trading company, the healing hands of medical professionals, the vast natural resources found from mining and recycling, the industrial might of production and engineering, and of course one of the largest paramilitary organizations and non-governmental militaries in the galaxy with access to state-of-the-art technology. Now with Viraxo, Xucphra, Kobola, The Angry Rancor Distribution Company, and the Mecrosa Order all under the same roof the possibilities are endless to what the future holds.
Operating shipyards, stations, factories, and naval yards inside the Phu, Questal, Hervol, and Illodia Sectors as well as The Western Reaches. Manufacturing everything from star-ships to vehicles, complex technologies to common items, knives to cutting-edge weaponry, Mecrosa never stops, never sleeps. Unemployment rates in these sectors have hit record lows and wages continue to rise as the demand for products is always strong and always steady. Great care is taken by Mecrosa to ensure the thousands of workers under their banner receive the best pay and benefits anywhere. Peace and prosperity to all is just an important goal as quarterly profits.
Mecrosa continuously seeks out new opportunities for their clients, blazing trails into new marketplaces and new economic sectors in search of profits and prosperity.