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Maelstrom Industrial Salvage

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 10 Day 2
Leader: Han Hunter
Second In Command: Jon SkyHut
Recruitment Liaisons: Han Hunter, Maffsia Ordonsla

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Starting out as a solitary junkyard, Maelstrom Industrial Salvage has humble beginnings as a one man, one ship operation. Though in a relatively short amount of time the amount of scrap metal collected grew exponentially and the operation expanded beyond its original owners imagination. Seeing the potential in this company wealthy philanthropist Han Hunter put up a substantial backing from both his personal wealth and from the estate of the late Selene Tal-Kyrte in order to transform a relatively small junk collection into a full fledged salvage yard.

 As Maelstrom grew so did the demand for its demolitions services and its ability to recycle entire planets. Gigantic so called "tax planets" were in dire need of fixing and MIS provided this service to many of the largest and wealthiest planets in the galaxy such as Chandrillia and Larbassa. As the stress of the job grew so did the strain on President Hunter's personal life and so he left the leadership of the company in the compotent hands of the Federation of Free Alliances however when they were betrayed and their government lost it was then entrusted to the Old Repuplic. Following a series of innactive and innefeccient leaders President Hunter reclaimed leadership of the company to bring it in line with his original vision. As the Old Republic attempted to rebrand itself as The Commonality the leadership stagnated within the government and eventually collapsed and its assets merged into the former Kathol Republic now known as The Krath Dynasty. 

 Maelstrom now serves as the chief recycling services provider of The eXiles, Maelstrom Industrial Salvage is a fine tuned machine dominating the field of planetary demolitions. Progress in any successful civilization requires vast amounts of urban planning and developing; by clearing the path for the glorious new growth marching forward from The eXiles , Maelstrom Industrial Salvage enables the prospering of The eXiles to it's maximum potential.

Understanding that sometimes things need to disappear, and disappear fast Maelstrom seeks only the most active and efficient sentient to fill its top ranks. To any and all who may be interested in joining our team, send a message to one of the recruitment liasons. We offer competitive activity based salaries and will train you in the art of demoliton. We are a tight-knit community and look forward to helping our employees follow their own path of personal growth. Maelstrom Industrial Salvage: Planning for the future by destroying the past.



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