As technology advances, the galaxy descends deeper into chaos. War rages on, fueled by power-hungry factions vying for control. Some seek to hoard tech for themselves, while others aim to protect or steal it. The systems of Petabys and Serroco have become key battlegrounds in this struggle, engulfed by unrelenting turmoil where legitimacy becomes blurred and crime is king
Enter Jawa Offworld Enterprises—notorious for their scavenging and thieving ways. They have recently claimed they are "inherently peaceful" following several skirmishes with enemies. Official Jawa propaganda would have you believe these folks are just a corporation like any other. Yet a closer examination reveals these rats would steal the moisture from your own breath if they thought they could profit from it. Let's face it: when you hear “Jawa” anything, everyone starts bolting assets down, because these are roving bands of con artists and sticky-fingered scavengers who would take the nuts and bolts from your ship if they weren’t welded down. So, if you believe the Jawas are interested in prosperity, you’ll probably be interested in some prime real estate on Hoth that we have for sale.
The Planet
Welcome to planet Serroco, where the Son-Tuul and Zann launched a blockade, securing Rebel fighters through hacking and gathering support from notorious crews like Dread, the Skree, dar`manda and the Guavian Death Gang. It’s the latest move in their fight to promote true, unrestricted trade—unlike their political adversaries, JOE, who claim to be sharing assets but have been observed restricting goods to only a select few.
The Vanguard
The first wave, overseen by Khagan Bork Shalas, initiated an insurgency in the Serroco system, dominating the likes of Jon Petrik and Belloq Tull—bounty hunters known for their dangerous delusions and inability to capture anyone other than common targets. This clear failure to apprehend criminal scum led to Jawa Offworld Enterprises arriving as reinforcements, followed by various Rebel peacekeeping forces who quickly entered the system to quell the Son-Tuul and Zann threat. From there, a battle ensued between the rival factions, creating a recycler’s dream as multiple wrecks from both alliances littered the system.
However, within this chaos, a desperate idea took shape. Impatient Jawa corpo commandos resorted to self-destruction tactics, deploying U-wing pilots to crash directly into warships. A move that has many questioning whether the Jawas are nothing more than a cult requiring ritual sacrifice—ironically mirroring the accusations they hurl at their enemies. While some pundits are calling it “brave,” others are defending Jawa actions as “unnatural.”
The Mid Guard
Simultaneously, a second raiding party, made up of the Blackstar Raiders and contracted mercenaries led by Crime Lord Ximaro Jix, initiated another wave of hacking operations—this time in the Morobe conflict zone. Here, the Jawa headhunters employed similar disruption tactics, meeting mediocre success as the Raiders called in reinforcements to engage the threat.
Unable to fully succeed without additional backup units—trapped in the Serroco battle—the fighter pilots at Petabys were forced to retreat and lick their wounds, despite rumors of an alleged presence in the sector from One Nation Under Jou and additional Rebel forces.
At the end of the conflict, Shadow Dominion forces achieved a significant victory, successfully hacking and securing a total of 48 Rebel fighters, all of which have been swiftly refurbished for combat deployment. Among the captured assets was a rare Crusader XX-777 Prototype Droid Frigate, previously owned by high-ranking Rebel officer Leebri Chelski. Meanwhile, Jawa-aligned forces managed to extract approximately 24 Rebel fighters before retreating to gather reinforcements.
The Numbers
In addition, 36 Jawa fighters and 11 U-wings were destroyed, along with the loss of two Raider-class corvettes and six fighters from Shadow Dominion forces. A Mando’ade Crusader-class Corvette, along with its four-fighter escort, was also obliterated while conducting reconnaissance operations for Mandalorian forces.
This marks yet another successful wave of hacking operations conducted by the Shadow Dominion, further cementing their role in what some have dubbed the "war against civilization." As captured Rebel technology fills the black market, it is clear that the Rebellion and their allies are anything but “unaffected” by their losses. While piracy continues to rise, privateers and tech hounds like Jawa Offworld Enterprises will always exist to enact the same kind of bottom-credit justice that so-called legitimate corporations and governments use to protect their own profit margins.
The Skin and Bones of It
The Jawas’ alleged commitment to "free trade between all races, religions, and governments" is nothing but a thinly veiled excuse for their own brand of intergalactic criminal behavior. They pick and choose who to trade with and indiscriminately harm those they wish to exert influence over. Otherwise, we’d see a lot more U-wings floating around, rather than the pocketed distribution of these fierce support ships—designated only for the select few willing to pay homage to the corporation.
The idea of "peace" is nothing more than a convenient euphemism for "we'll steal whatever we want and then pretend we're pacifists." And when their profiteering schemes are threatened, they cry foul and claim they're being "forced" into conflict—just like every other sellout before them. Only now, they’re acting on behalf of the Rebel Alliance, leeching the very tech they’re pretending to rescue from Son-Tuul Pride and Zann Consortium hands.
Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.
✍ Article written by Ximaro Jix
📊 Statistics and video released by Bork Shalas
🔥 Mayhem provided by the Son-Tuul Pride and all the factions of Shadow Dominion.