Tion Mil/Sci Industries
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Blue Star Dominion: CIP

Type: Modular
Subfaction of: Blue Star Dominion
Founded On: Year 25 Day 204
Leader: Tomas O`Cuinn
Second In Command: Vadik Edik
Chat: Discord Invite

Dominion Background
The Blue Star Dominion is a sovereign state located in the Southeastern Outer Rim; it is the governing body of the Sevetta sector along with the Dagu star system, though maintains both overt and discrete operations throughout the galaxy. The Dominion is named for the two Blue stars within the Dagu and Woldona systems, and its roots run deep as the successor to the Gree Trade Authority (Year 15-18) and Sevetta Conglomerate (Year 19-20) along with a number of other organizations throughout the years. Blue Star directly employs more than tens of thousands of individuals and indirectly supports hundreds of thousands of jobs through the governing of numerous developed worlds.

Dominion Politics
Although the roots of Blue Star began within an Imperial Union state, the Dominion's predecessors were declared an enemy of both the Galactic Empire and its puppet, Black Sun, in approximately Year 15. These hostilities were born from the greed and paranoia of Alexander von Ismay, who abused the trust placed in him to seize control of Black Sun from its leadership and subsequently rewrote history in an effort to legitimize his claim to the throne. As a result of the betrayal, aggression, and an Imperial fleet who openly threatened their home system, the Dominion and its predecessors have supported the Galactic Alliance, New Republic, and Rebel Alliance in the fight against Imperial tyranny. Blue Star was also a founding member state of the Unity Protocol, a regional affiliation of organizations aligned in their opposition to the oppressive Imperial regime.

The Blue Star Dominion is committed to its allies in the communal struggle against the Empire and the pursuit of peace and liberty throughout the galaxy.

Dominion Leadership
Blue Star is overseen by Dominion Command, a triad of experienced leaders who command equal weight in all Dominion matters but oversee differing areas of interest and operations.
Taranjeek Tomas Vadik
Taranjeek Tomas Vadik

Dominion Employment
The Dominion maintains thousands of direct employees across a variety of industries. Competitive salaries paid weekly, free use of production facilities, generous paid leave, a lavish retirement program, and a relaxed work environment are just some of the reasons that Blue Star recruits and retains its staff at all levels without issue. Contact a hiring specialist for additional information.

Dominion Military
Blue Star's extensive interests make it a potential target, both from the oppressive Imperial Union and the occasional pirate. To defend its holdings and operations, the Dominion has invested significant resources into the production, maintenance, and operation of both a high-tech naval fleet alongside a well-equipped and professionally-trained infantry force. Blue Star also maintains a vast army of droids which provide enhanced fleet security and serve as auxiliary support troops in the field, providing a force multiplier to enhance combat efficiency. Each planet and system within the Dominion also boasts its own defense and law enforcement agencies.


Faction Planetary Control Manufacturing Mining Paramilitary Religion Datacards Trading Information Medical Government Subfaction

Datacards Owned:
Facilities Stations
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Recycling Plant
Training Academy
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Golan Laser Battery
Computer Control Centre
Crew Quarters
Slave Market
Labour Camp
Civic Centre
Commerce Centre
Wildlife Preserve
Alazhi Farm
Bacta Refinement Facility
LNR II Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Projector
SAM Launcher
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Asteroid Hideout
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Trading II
Relay Station
Zoo Station
Medical Factory Station
Hospital Platform XQ-2
Golan II