The Menagerie is an independent interplanetary alliance of groups from all galactic social statrus. From within this coalition an official representative is elected from within one of the five groups to serve as their Magistrate upon the six member governmental body otherwise known as the Jabiimi Council. The Governor holds the sixth seat of the Council from where he acts as a middle between the Magistrates political agenda and debates.
Operating deep within the north-eastern Outer Rim territories, the government has collectively decided to flex some luxurious industrial muscle and offer the Jabiimite style of goods along with its finest medical assistance to the galactic community. Following the motto "Through unity we shall prevail", they apply this attitude in their everyday lives for the greater good of all citizens of the collective.
The Menagerie is neutral and free of conflict and political strife by design. It serves as a beacon for all sentients to be able enjoy all the wonderful things the galaxy has to offer within a friendly and safe community, that otherwise would be hard to achieve alone.